• North Pole and South Pole Edit: It sounded good, but it is wrong. The point at which the equator (0° latitude) and the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) intersect has no real significane but it is in the Atlantic Ocean, about 380 miles (611 kilometers) south of Ghana and 670 miles (1078 km) west of Gabon.
  • You would be swimming in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Ghana. Look out for the Great White Sharks!!
  • The name is so long that it never really caught on. It's called a tiny imaginary dot in the Atlantic Ocean on the intersection between the imaginary line that is the Greenwich Meridian and the imaginary line that is the Equator.
  • You are close in your guess,Nelson, you coulda looked at a map. 0 by 0 is over the Ghana Basin in the Bight of Africa about 600 KM south of Accra and about 1000 west of Gabon. There is particular importance to the place and no name. Why isn't there a name,they should give it a name, it needs a name, I DEMAND a name. I nominate Greenwich Hot Place, or the Accraute Point. Gabon Here, I don't think will grab the public's interest, but yall gabb atwixt yourselves and then put it to a vote. We'll show them!
  • Where is zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude? The point at which the equator (0° latitude) and the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) intersect has no real significane but it is in the Atlantic Ocean, about 380 miles (611 kilometers) south of Ghana and 670 miles (1078 km) west of Gabon.
  • greenwich meridian means a place name associated with the 0 degree meridian

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