• I'd suggest printing a Resume with the experience you do have. Include the, and throw in anything else... high school/sports/uni awards... wpm typing speed... you know... . The employers don't need to know your grades sucked, obviously you cant lie - but don't include your GPA if you don't want to. . It doesn't cost anything to put a resume out... throw 10 + out there... scatter your seed so to speak, and maybe something will grow. . Life is far from over.
  • who cares if your marks are bad retard, its the same peice of paper for someone who got 90's
  • So ... you probably won't be offered a six-figure starting salary and signing bonus, given the keys to the executive suite of a Fortune 500 company and get to fly in the corporate jet just yet. But you can still get a job at or near the bottom, same as everyone else in business (who wasn't born into the company).
  • All is not hopeless. Even honors grads are sitting at home in this economy, so grades don't really make a big difference in hiring decisions. What you should do is try to create a resume and include any relevant experience, including courses and volunteer work. Since you don't have much work experience, you will probably have to start out in a low-paying internship or temp position, but these can lead to full time jobs. Even if they don't, you'll gain experience that will make you a more competitive candidate. Good luck.

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