• never thought of that before but it is a good idea, if your not willing to give they you shouldnt be willing to take.
  • Yes. Some people refuse for religious views. Let's not hold that against them. Plus, what's a better way to get them to appreciate organ donation than to be a recipient?
  • I don't know... I've expressed to my family that I'd want to be an organ donor, but I'd prefer for them to make that call than doctors who don't know me.
  • I don't have a problem with it; I am an organ donor (well, I will be when i die)
  • On first thought, it seems they should not, but there are so many different reasons for not donating. If they have diseased organs in the first place, who would even want them?
  • That's a good question but as far as medical ethics go, generally treatment is not withheld based on a patient's choice to voluntarily participate in clinical studies or donations. For example, if you are rushed to the hospital, nobody will check a general registry to see if you give blood before providing you with a necessary transfusion.
  • I don't necessarily agree with "if your not willing to give they you shouldnt be willing to take". What about people that are born with cancer or some other disease and need now. What about the little babies that are born with the disease?? They don't even get a chance to give. Not to mention they prolly can't give cos it is prolly diseased. Should they not get a chance to live cos they can't/ haven't had a chance to give.
  • That's a good question, but who would make the final decision on whether someone who refuses to be an organ donor should receive a donated organ to live. Someone has to play God it would seem.
  • Never thought about it before. I think if they outright refuse, for no good reason (I get that some people do it for religious reasons, that doesn't count) and are of consenting age... no. They should not get an organ. If you cannot be even a little bit giving and feel for the life of others than why should we feel for you?
  • I think that's a great idea.. assuming of course, they are legal adults. you couldn't hold kids to that standard. however, here's your problem. I am an organ donor. However, upon my death, my family can refuse to donate their organs. I could get a liver today and next day change my mind in writing about donating..nothing anyone can do..can they take the liver back? I do think you have something here though. I think we should have a law that all prisoners on death row should be mandated to give organs..they need to give something back for the lives they took but that will never be a law either. However, those on death row can get organs even though they can get a heart today and be put to death in 3 months.. waste of a good organ (not to mention millions of $ of taxpayer $).. Good idea though

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