• 70, 80 I lost track.
  • Peter picked a peck.
  • 18? Peter 18, Paul 17, Pam 13, Pat 12?
  • 18 Let's use the following variables: E: pEter's amount L: pauL's amount P: Pat's amount M: paM's amount We can write the following four statements: E = 1 + L P = 1 + M E + L = 10 + P + M E + L + P + M = 60 Adding the last two statements, we get: 2 * (E + L) = 70 Replacing here the value of L from the first statement: 2 * (E + (E - 1)) = 70 Taking the half: 2 * E - 1 = 35 2 * E = 36 E = 18 (Peter) (The answer to the question) This yields L = 17 (Paul) Making the difference of the last two statements, we get: (P + M) = 50 - (P + M) P + M = 25 Replacing here the value of P from the second statement: 1 + (2 * M) = 25 2 * M = 24 M = 12 (Pam) This yields P = 13 (Pat)
  • my name is pamela. [[pam for short]] and i dont remember picking any peppers today..
  • Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers (however many are in a "peck").

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