• Source of info: Q: How does canned salmon compare nutritionally to canned tuna? A: Tuna and salmon are extremely healthy choices. Both white (albacore) tuna and, especially, salmon are good sources of omega-3 fats, which are linked to heart health and possibly lower cancer risk and other health benefits. Because canned salmon includes bones that can be eaten because they are so soft, it provides as much calcium as a six-ounce glass of milk. Tuna does not provide calcium. The other vitamin and mineral differences between light tuna, white tuna and salmon are slight and do not matter nutritionally. One difference between these two types of fish, however, is of high importance to women of childbearing age and children. These individuals should limit their consumption of white (albacore) tuna to one serving a week due to its rather high mercury content. Light tuna and salmon are low in mercury. They can be eaten more often to meet the recommended 2 to 3 servings of seafood a week.

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