• I am not sure, but I have read somewhere that Barack Obama views gay people as people. Not sure about Clinton. :)
  • I don't know that exact count, but Hillary has marched in New York City's annual pride parade on and off for years. I've not read or heard of how many (or if) Barack Obama has marched in. I know that Obama has shown a lot of support for the gay community.
  • Obama when asked about gay marriage always points out that he is a Christian and how he personally cannot believe in gay marriage but supports gay civil unions and suggests that States make the decisions. Hillary Clinton never quotes or uses her faith when speaking about gay marriage. She does use the words "tradition and culture" but she is specific not to bring in her religious views. Obama has never walked in any public gay pride event. I would love to see a picture with him walking in a pride parade. Hillary has walked and can be seen in many public pictures during pride parades.

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