• Probably because many times the guns are shot without much thought,and many die because of it.Also the gun laws are more lax than in most countries.
  • because the deaths are usually from mass shootings in small places, therefore you can be a crap shot and still accomplish your psychotic goal!
  • Most gun deaths are due to suicide and drugs. The reason we have so many has nothing to do with our accuracy, but more with the insufficient treatments for the mental ill and the availability of guns to anyone.
  • It's not the guns, it's the total lack of respect for what they are. It's the mixture of booze, stress, frustration and just plain ignorance, stupidity and rage. Our society breeds this like an infection in the body. Guns are good, killing people is bad, simple yet they just don't get it.
  • Maybe its because we have 300,000,000 people...the most populated Western country...
  • Which western countries are you referring to? Canada and Mexico or just Canada. Cause I think you may be misinformed if you are referring to Mexico. Perhaps if you rephrased it to "reported" deaths I could understand. There are a lot of people down here in Mexico that don't report it when they shoot someone. Yeah, I know... it totally messes with the statistics but they don't even seem to care....and I like the reply that Mexico has better social programs than the US and tighter gun control. Perhaps if they peaked out thier windowns every now and then, they might realize how great they have it in the US and give thanks instead of whining about it. USA....USA...USA... ok is it just in my head or can you hear the chanting too? USA rocks!!!!
  • Hahahaha could be. But I think it's far more likely that lax gun control laws, and a lack of respect for what a gun is, is what is to blame. But you know... you could be right... and you did make me laugh.
  • Gee, could it be because you have the highest populated western country and the most ease of acquiring firearms? Seriously, what do you have over there? Like a 5 day waiting period?
  • or could it be because we have less handguns per capita meaning an agressors fear of the other having one would be less? or possibly because if you fail to kill someone who has given you just cause our law permits them to sue your ass off?

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