• This is a matter of opinion, but it seems to make more sense if the loose end of toilet paper faces the toilet side. It's easier to find the end, and it seems to look more correct. Some people don't care one way or the other, while others are bothered by the toilet paper facing what they consider the wrong side. Like I said, it's really a matter of opinion. I personally choose to place the loose end on the toilet side, and I must admit, I'm guilty of flipping the roll at a friend's house.
  • I'm right there with BlueCrystalSky... It just feels wrong if the end faces the wall... it should face the toilet. I too have been guilty of flipping the rolls in bathrooms not my own...
  • I think its important to consider left handedness in this answer. I'm left handed and my first respond to this is that the loose end should be on the wall side. Left handed people think differently, and ultimately approach things the opposite way that a right handed person would. I think a good answer to this question is that it depends whether your a lefty or a righty. I'd love to hear some further comments from other lefty's.
  • If you mean the loose end over the top or under bottom exit, the under the bottom exit is definetely the correct answer. i say this with many years of experienc, by being surrounded by a female family of girls, for 40 years. in this length of time, i have calculated that i have replaced the roll of toilet paper, in just one bathroom, at least 6,000 times. girls use a LOT of toilet paper. having the roll exit over the top conserves more toilet paper, than under the bottom. it must be gravity pulling more on the bottom, than the top. run your own experiment.....there is a difference!
  • Definitely -- on the toilet side. Hotels tend put it that way for their guests. That makes it easier to find in the dark, because the loose end usually hangs below the roll. And for us far sighted old farts -- it's easier to find in the light too!
  • Im somewhat anal (no pun intended please) when it comes to things like that so I must have the loose end facing the "performer". I hate having to reach under the roll or rolling the roll to find the end.
  • if you have a cat, the wall side. that way it will rolls-up when the cat plays with it when your not home. if you dont have a pet, it dont matter
  • it all depends. if you have no kids, toilet side. If you have kids or cats, then wall side. I personally prefer toilet side, it is just more convenient. I switch it if someone in my house puts it on the wall side!!!
  • The loose end should move towards the back side and the tight end should remain toilet side!
  • I like it over the front.
  • over the front. you just can't pull it right over the back!
  • Down the back just because to me it looks nice for some reason.
  • Over the front. I feel I get a better handle on it and it is easier to rip.
  • Over the front
  • As long as it's there, it doesn't matter to me which way it hangs.
  • Over the front
  • Either way my kitten un-rolls it...
  • Over the front, for sure.
  • Over the front, definately.
  • I prefer it over the front. It's easier to rip off that way. Down the back is 'wrong', imo. JamesD.
  • Over the top conserves toilet paper. Under the bottom wastes toilet paper. Why? Gravity.
  • Under the bottom, that way it doesn't get stuck at the bottom.

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