• Its 2 actually. The one where Tom tries to poison Jerry with milk and instead the milk killing Jerry, it makes him a huge buff super mouse. The other one is when Tom dies and can't get into heaven without Jerry signing some kind of forgiveness letter.
  • I used to love the Tom and Jerry movie when I was little. (It was still a cartoon)
  • The one where Jerry drinks the magic potion and he has super powers that he uses to mess with Tom's head.
  • I think it's from the movie in the late 80's.....the Christmas episode, where Jerry ends up frozen outside and Tom resues him and puts him by the fire to warm up.....showed me eventhough you are ennnemies , you can still be kind and you don't have to be cruel.....and they say cartoon have no values!
  • the one whare Jerry wrights a book on all there "tales", reminds me of lots of other episodes even ones that arent in it. Excuse spelling please and thank you.
  • When Tom was pissed off by the six Jerrys running passed by him and Jerry scaring him away from being caught.
  • Robin Hoodwinked

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