• check this site for what info you need.
  • This is really dependent on your BAC level. If you are convicted with a bac level of .17 or above the court will most likely stick you with 5 to 20 days of house arrest. You could get 10 days in the clink but most likely for a first offense you'll get the house arrest. You also are awarded 12 weeks of alcohol educuation then 52 to 86 hours of group therapy. You'll have attend a MADD panel as well which isn't as intimidating as you might think. You'll have to do random breathalyzers done 2 or 3 times a week generally where you take your classes and therapy. You'll get 60 hours of community service as well. And a year's probation. (all of which you pay for) Now that's what the court does to you. The DMV really hammers you with a year's license suspension and two years with a ignition interlock device after reinstatement. All of these things of course, are at your expense. The interlock law is brutal because it takes a total of 3 years to entirely put the dui behind you. Hopefully, your bac was below .17. You still will get all of the court ordered stuff but a lot less in terms of community service hours, classes, and fewer days of house arrest. You'll still have to attend a MADD panel which isn't a bad thing as everyone should attend one at sometime. The big bonus of being below .17 is that you don't get stuck with the ignition interlock. All of these things are really expensive and if you were pulled over for speeding or some other traffic violation where they have you dead to rights I would recommend bypassing the attorney and facing the music yourself. Its not going to help you avoid the penalties but its going be an extra $1200 to $4000 you can put toward the stuff you're going to have to pay for anyway. That's only my opinion. Some people get lawyers that pull rabbits out of hats but that is rare, and sometimes the lawyers hurt more than help you. Its intimidating to face alone but bypass the ambulance chasers. Hope this helps.

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