• I guess it comes down to personal opinion.
  • You know I find it interesting how it is that those on the left always try to dismiss those on the right side of the political spectrum as being unintelligent and/or dupes of other people. This is just another example of such bias. "Reagan couldn't possibly have been doing what he thought was best. Someone else must have been pulling the strings." Male bovine manure. Ronald Reagan was in command of his administration and was responsible for all of the major policies of that administration.
  • If that's true, who had their hand up his backside??
  • all the 19th century president were puppets except jfk and it cost him his life.
  • Yes. After his presidency he went to his home country and got his payola.
  • Yes he was a puppet for Bush Sr. and his corporate oil friends. He was an actor with charisma they used to win the office. When he began to refuse orders and started to make his own decisions his own masters(Bush Sr. and company) nearly had him killed, hence the assassination attempt. After that he was afraid to defy them. The guy who tried to kill him was the son on one of Bush Sr.'s closest friends!
  • If I may answer a question with a question. To whom would he have been a puppet? His administration appeared to be rather assertive. To me that's not the behavior of a puppet.

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