• While there may be an earlier time in baseball history (foul balls are not recorded so it only those that remember), the most I could find was on May 5th, 2004. Alex Cora of the Dodgers fouled off 14 consecutive pitches. On the 18th pitch he hit a home run. Pitch 1: ball 1 Pitch 2: strike 1 Pitch 3: ball 2 Pitch 4: strike 2 (foul) Pitch 5: foul Pitch 6: foul Pitch 7: foul Pitch 8: foul Pitch 9: foul Pitch 10: foul Pitch 11: foul Pitch 12: foul Pitch 13: foul Pitch 14: foul Pitch 15: foul Pitch 16: foul Pitch 17: foul Pitch 18: Home Run Runner up: On August 17, 1900, Phillies batter Roy Thomas fouls off 12 pitches (the pitcher, Bill Phillips, actually punched Thomas and was ejected from the game).
  • i could be wrong, but back in 89-90 marty barrett hit 17 foul balls at one at-bat in august. any takers for more?
  • I read in the original Bill James Historical Abstract that Roy Thomas once fouled off 22 pitches. The legend has it that on one occasion, Luke Appling fouled off 17 straight pitches before hitting a triple. The story goes on to say that he did it to get even with a team owner who wouldn't give him a box of baseballs to pass out to the fans.
  • on june 29 of 2001 Frank Thomas fouled off 375 pitches to take the crown of most pitches ever fouled off by a major league player he ended up hitting a grand slam on the next pitch.
  • 117 foul balls

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