• 33,33333333333 %
  • 30%....3 is 30% of 10 (3.333333 is 33.333333% of 10)
  • 3 is what percent of 10? 6 is what percent of 20? 9 is what percent of 30? ... 30 is what percent of 100? That'd be 30%
  • Write a percent proportion: 3 is what percenr of 10 Proportional expression (Percentage) [^^^] = [ 100% : 10 = (X%) : 3 ] = [ 10 X (X) = 100 X 3 ] = [ 10(X) = 300 ] = [ (X) = 300 / 10 ] = [ (X) = 30 ]
  • Percent is always out of 100 You need to multiply both sides by 10 to get an answer out of 100. Thus 3 from 10 is 30 from 100 = 30%.

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