• 1) "Like a wall, the smell hits you, the undeniable scent of death and blood, old blood. You feel revulsion at this revelation" "heavy looking wood, stained with reds and browns you realise are blood, and because some has coagulated and some has not you wonder upon the atrocities that have taken place in the damned room of death. You still follow the beam as it comes to the centre of the room, and upon the source of the scent, that specific odour of death." "The air is so think with the scent of blood that you can almost taste the iron that previously circulated in this man." Source: 2) "Chilling Cellar Wine just turning to vinegar, crumbling mortar, red clay, and the coppery tang of old blood." Source: 3) "The hot, sweet scents of old blood" Source: 4) "I stepped closer and the smell was - unappealing. To say the least." "The scent is described in various texts as - spoiled chicken, putrid flesh, an open drain, roadkill, old blood ... you get the picture. " Source: 5) ""It was the essence of eagle, the scent of all raptors: the faint, copper-sweet smell of old blood. It always put me in mind of the descriptions I'd read of vampires' breath."" Source: 6) "A ghostly charnel-house scent came with it, the smell of old blood and rotting meat." Source:
  • well i can't see how it smells different than new blood

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