• There are many potential benefits in stem cell research. The main benefit is to gain the ability to duplicate parts of your body (arms, legs, heart, spinal cord, etc.). This would drastically change the world of medicine. Every time someone had to get a lung (or any organ) transplanted there would be no need to find a doner; and once the lung (or any organ for that matter) is transplanted, the patient would not have to recieved drugs afterwards, because his immune system would automatically accept the lung. Also, organs that cannot possibly be donated and accepted in a new body (like spinal tissue) could be duplicated. This means if you are parylized (the spinal cord fractures), your spinal tissue could be duplicated by stem cells and then trasplanted. There are probably more potentials of this kind of research, but I do not know enough about them to explain in full. But here is how stem cell research works. when I say stem cells, I am referring to a cell that grows in to a certain organ, think of it as a seed. All humans are is a collection of organs. An embryo in its first stages is a collection of stem cells that grow into organs. to get an exact copy of your heart is to clone an embryo using your DNA; and when the stem cell for the heart developes, you extract that, then you have your heart. This is unless you use adult stem cells (these are not from an embryo), but these stem cells are much harder to work with and the technology to utylize these cells is years ahead of us unfortunately.
  • What is a "potential benefit"? Some might say that it may be possible to cure all kinds of things and grow replacement parts, etc. While some possibilities or preliminary results may appear promising, it remains a possibility that all of the speculation may be wrong, and billions of dollars spent over several decades might never do anybody any good. In medical research and development, for each research project that makes it to market many do not.
  • I've also heard that cells in the embryo umbilical chords can adapt to different bodies blood types to help cure cancer when the blood is infected.
  • to heal, extend life, cure diseases do we realy need stem cell research to do more
  • I think that a potential benefit of stem cell research is that it can repair bone cells from broken bones and can fight off diseases. Totally useful.
  • they can help the body to grow a new are if needed for example like on harry potter how harry grows a new bone in his arm whe ine breaks that is waht stem cell can do
  • We will get to learn a lot more about those pesky stem cells.
  • they can help the body to grow a new arm if needed for example like on harry potter how harry grows a new bone in his arm when he breaks that is waht stem cell can do
  • Contrary to Nohbdy's otherwise excellent post, my reading is pretty clear that fetal stem cell research is a dead end, while non-fetal stem cell research holds all the potential he describes. Also, contrary to popular disinformation, in the US both fetal and non-fetal stem cell research are totally legal. What is illegal is government funding of fetal stem cell research. The 8-billion dollar per year For Profit abortion industry, however, is lobbying heavily for Federal funding of fetal stem cell research so they can make even more money off of taxpayers by selling their "industrial waste" to Federally funded "research" projects. If fetal stem-cell research were the great universal panacea that its advocates claim, the bio-tech industry would be stampeding to make the most of this supposed bonanza. But they know fetal stem-cell's do not hold the key to growing new healthy genetically-matched replacement organs, and so devote their research to more promising non-fetal stem cell research.
  • That thom64 kid should use some stem cells to grow a fucking dick. Your a joke dude, stem cells have been proven to differentiate themselves into ANY cell in the body when extracted from the inner cell mass of a blastophist. Learn your shit before you try to sound smart and open your fat trap shit gobbler.
  • That thom64 kid should use some stem cells to grow a fucking dick. Your a joke dude, stem cells have been proven to differentiate themselves into ANY cell in the body when extracted from the inner cell mass of a blastophist. Learn your shit before you try to sound smart and open your fat trap shit gobbler.
  • Practical application of knowledge gained such as cures and new organs.
  • LALALALA!!!!!!!!!!
  • You are kidding, right? Or did Bush put you up to this?
  • A cure for hangovers! My 2 cents.
  • It's educational.??

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