• If this person is willing to eat eggs, those would be a good source of protein, and soft boiled eggs, or poached eggs (not fried) would be easier to digest. Jello is easy, Steamed veg, I would steer clear of complex protein mixes like beans and rice, beans (lentils) are harder to digest. There is veg stock and soups. Pasta with a cream (not tomato) sauce should go easy. There should be no issue with digestabiliy with a pace maker surgery. The most serious incision is through the skin in the chest to place the pacemaker module (power pack, transmitter/receiver) the rest is done through small incisions where the wires are threaded through to the heart. All indications are that the patient should not raise their left or right arm (depending on which side the pack was put on) over their head for a while. they may end up being bruised at the groin and at the pack site, especially if they have been on blood thinners. The patient may not feel like a heavy meal the day of the operation, and in some cases up to three days after due mostly to the drugs used during surgery. Regular meals should start nearly instantly afterwards. Of course bad cholesterol and most likely salt are big no-nos - however that should all be part of a send home list of Do's and Don'ts that the Heart doctor would have sent home with the patient. If the patient is having trouble with "real food" then I would strongly suggest calling the doctor. I do not know the medications prescribed, however an "upset stomach" can be a side effect of several potential medication that could have been prescribed and are "good reasons" to call the doctor.
  • Being a vegetarian, the required easy digestible foods are the foods prepared out of the following: FRUITS - (mixture of sliced apple, pineapple, very riped paw paw, banana, etc). VEGETABLES -(fresh or pickled) and mushrooms (though some strict Indian vegetarians do not eat mushrooms). etc.

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