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  • Probably so much resin caked to your screen?
  • Because it most likely is the wood from the twigs that the bud comes from. You just don't smoke the whole thing. You should only smoke green marijuana, silly.
  • I see everyone here is smoking. Glad we're all in the right state of mind
  • The cannabis your smoking wasn't flushed and/or cured properly.
  • It may possibly be an excess amount of things like potassium, or too much nitrate in a liquid fertilizer mixed with water in a "badly imbalanced" hydroponic grow operation setup. ... and the growers are probably using high output magnesium lights, set on pulley controlled raising light fixtures, and they let the lights get too close to the plants and give the plants too many "daylight" hours ... ... try changing dealers ...
  • if you live in the uk then i would say some dirty f@*ker has sprayed it with something!
  • its bcoz of the gum they use!!
  • with the exception of takei-shihan, these are all pointless or ridiculous answers. The reason your joint ash goes hard is due to excessive amounts of fertilsers within the weed itself. It is not, like many people think, due to the presence of glass dust. Glass melts at a temperature that is far higher than any joint cherry and as such could not possibly cuase the effects observed. However, having said this, glass dust in weed does occur and is a real danger due to the obvious health implications of inhaling hot particles of glass. A simple test is to chew a small piece of bud, if is sandy or gritty, take it back. As for hard ash, when we buy weed in the UK it usually comes from unscrupuless and inexperienced mass-growers. The growth conditions are much the same as those of battery chickens and are they are fed many powerfull chemicals to force them to larger and faster. If the plants are not flushed with clean water for at least a week before harvest then a build up of these toxins remain in the plant. When smoked, these chemicals react with each other and the oxygen in the air and crystalise. Needless to say, this isn't the heathiest smoke and you should try to find an experienced local,small-scale grower. or even try growing your own. time for a doobie!
  • Hi mate just done some research on this and its because the weed isnt flushed after it is grown when fertilisers are used, this means the fertiliser salts are still in the weed, and i suppose this means it should be bad for you to smoke, depending on whether or no the amount of fertiliser build up contains enough toxins to affect you or not.
  • the weed has been contaminated with a spray on glue that increases the weight fu$$in scumbags

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