• Easy, do not allow smoking in the home
  • Fabreeze & open the windows to help it air out faster.
  • Use Vamoose 1808T, it is by far the best product for getting rid of cigarette odors. It can be purchased from or on eBay. You get more selections from their website.
  • my husband and i smoke outside, and wehn i have a party i make friends smoke outside too. when my mother comes to visit i dont make her smoke outside, so when she is gone i light some scented candles and use febreeze on my curtains, furnature and rugs..then open the windows and all is well.
  • I usually open the windows and let the place air out. If it still sticks around, I'll spray Febreeze.
  • have your husband put on his shoes or leave the room
  • You really need to wash everything to get the smell out completely. Scented candles will mask it for a while and opening the windows will help greatly. Time takes care of it, but washing everything will take it out completely. The smoke will "hang" in fabrics like curtains and pillows and the cushions on furniture so Fabreeze really does a great job on those types of things that cannot be washed easily. You could also introduce your friends and family to the electronic cigarettes that are out there today. The electronic cigarettes work with vaporizers that deliver nicotine but not from tobacco. They look, taste and feel just like a regular cigarette but they do not contain any cancer causing chemicals. There is no second-hand smoke, no odor, no tar, and no carbon monoxide and they are free of the 4,000+ chemicals that are in regular tobacco cigarettes. The nicotine is drawn from vegetables, not tobacco and it tastes just like tobacco nicotine. You can view the video that I have uploaded to YouTube to learn about this incredible technology. This is the answer to those who cannot quit smoking -- they can continue to smoke without disturbing anyone and without endangering their own health. These devices do not contain the cancer causing chemicals that regular tobacco cigarettes contain.

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