• anywhere from 1-2 pounds a week is considered healthy weight loss. There are (about) 12 weeks in 3 months, so you can lose from 12-24 lbs in 3 months, and still have it considered "healthy" weight loss.
  • I seem to recall the rule of thumb is 10 lbs per month, or 30 lbs in your case.
  • I believe you can loose between 30-45lbs in three months safely. Dieting and exercise go hand and hand. Here's my quick weight loss sugestions: Replace all white (simple) carbs with whole grain (Complex) carbs. Instead of white rice have brown, instead of white potato have sweet etc. Cut out, or minimize sugars. That inclues sodas, juices, and cadies of course. Drink plenty of water (8 Cups) through out the day. And do some form of light activity or exercise from 3-5 times a week. Or even alternate one day of exercise one of rest. Hope that helps
  • Safely is a strange concept. Weight gain is usually slow, drawn out process. SUCCESSFUL weight loss is the same. If you shed pounds like it's a race (and who knows maybe you are), it will be temporary. As soon as you lay off the panic weight loss process you're more than likely to pile it back on. Isn't a pound a week considered good going? Achieved not by "a diet" but relearning how to eat and live, a process that will see you through life.

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