• OFCOURSE...look...ssj1 goku beat broly...GOHAN! beat broly...after bout 50 years of training after that incedent...ssj4..think about it...OFCOURSE SSJ4 GOKU IS STRONGER! he beat the 7 star dragon for god's sake!
  • Consider this. Goku, in the 11th(?) movie, is basically charged by Kaio-sama with going to hell to kill Brolly again after Trunks and Goten finally defeat him, and this was at the point in the series where he could only reach SSJ3. That means that it is almost guaranteed that Goku could kill Brolly with an extreme level of ease as SSJ4.
  • um brolly was like ssj2 or something. so id say ssj3 goku would kick his ass... personally i dislike DBGT... the whole oh there are these dragonballs which kami+picolo made as one being even though kami said only after becomming guardian did he think of making draqgonballs and all. and that these older balls are strnger thatn eny other dragon balls: they can go all over the universe and destroy planets is really a bit much...
  • lol maybe this form will kick gokus ass

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