• Yea she wears Skanky clothes
  • I think people think too much about this. We had Barbies growing up and never looked at them as ideal shapes. We used to laugh at how unreal they were. Dolls have never reflected true human shapes, even when they were used as votive objects. Look at the famous "Venus" of Willendorf. She is overweight with pendulous breasts and has no face.
  • Nope. But I think Ken was not so great a role model for what to expect from a boyfriend, considering his "demeanor." However, that said, G.I. Joe - also lacking in the "demeanor" department (disclaimer for "flat affect"), apparently was a war monger, so which is worse? At least Ken took Barbie bowling, and to the beach, and other wholesome activities other than killing anyone and everyone outside of the continental U.S.
  • i think its negative the way they make barbies be sooo thin because that gives girls the idea they need 2 b like that 2 be awsome just like barbies which would make them go onto anorexia and similar illneses which are very dangerous
  • no because it shows them what they are possibly going to eventually look like somewhat and its just a toy
  • Absolutly Not, Barbie Was My Role Model, && Im Just Fine
  • if it was not for damn britney spears this question would have never come up! barbie is a toy britney is a whore point made!
  • I personaly don't think people should put so much emphisis on toys
  • No but I think Britney Spears is.
  • no barbie really is a nothing. Girls today are done with barbie by the time they are 6.
  • I can see where she might be, but I think the Bratz dolls are far worse.
  • Not if parenting is done correctly. The doll is just a toy.
  • Barbies are toys nothing else. everyone who blames Barbie for starving girls and what not is just trying to blame something for their own faults. I agree that Britney Spears and whoever are rolemodels and ave an impact on children. Barbies are good toys and no role models. Instead of blaming everything for your kids problem you'd better spend some more time with them.

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