• well ... when the Cell does the redox reations it's like breathing. it's oxidizes then it's not. and there different because when you breath it takes Energy. as were in cellular resperation it transfers energy, and the piont if it all is to make Energy. that's my answer anyways hope it was helpful :^)
  • This website should help you with all the questions you've been posting tonight.
  • absolutely nothing really unless you need something to compare it with. cellular respiration is basically the break down of energy holding molecules(why we eat have to our energy while plants use photosynthesis to make and store their energy). and respiration is just getting O2 in your system.
  • Cellular respiration refers to the breathing of air into the lungs while cellular respiration is the chemical process of glucose and 6oxygen, giving off 6carbon dioxide and 6 water molecules plus energy via energy carriers that trap most of the energy like ATP and Heat given off in the reaction. Therefore there is no similarities.

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