• G'day krazyboy, Thank you for your question. Rhode Island was the first state to declare its independence from Britain in the American revolution. According to Wikipedia, "Rhode Island's tradition of independence and dissent gave it a prominent role in the American Revolution. In 1772, the first bloodshed of the American Revolution took place in Rhode Island when a band of Providence residents attacked a grounded British ship for enforcing unpopular British trade regulations in the incident which would be come to known as the Gaspee Affair. Keeping with its culture of defiance, Rhode Island was the first of the original thirteen colonies to declare its independence from England (May 4, 1776,) and the last to ratify the Constitution (which replaced the Articles of Confederation) (May 29, 1790)—doing the latter only after being threatened with having its exports taxed as a foreign nation." For future reference, you should only try and ask the question once and place it in the right category which would either be Rhode Island or the American Revolution. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Rhode Island Wikipedia History of Rhode Island Rhode Island history
  • Someone left a pizza box on the table... then before you knew it there were socks under the sofa, beer cans on top of the tv, and cigarette butts in the umbrella plant. What a state!
  • Rhode Island did not become a US State until it ratified the constitution in May 1790. It was the last state of the original 13 to ratify.

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