• To cover your epiglotis when you that food and drinks go down your esophagus and not your wind pipe, otherwise you would choke.
  • Many physicians feel that the uvula is a vestigial anatomic structure without a significant function, while others feel that it has a role in speech and swallowing in that it participates in the sealing off of the nasopharynx during these activities. The uvula plays an important role in the articulation of the sound of the human voice to form the sounds of speech. It functions in tandem with the back of the throat, the palate, and air coming up from the lungs to create a number of guttural and other sounds. Consonants pronounced with the uvula are not found in English; however, languages such as Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Ubykh, and Hmong use uvular consonants to varying degrees. Certain African languages use the uvula to produce click consonants as well. In English (as well as many other languages), it closes to prevent air escaping through the nose when making some sounds.
  • to make your self throw up!!!!
  • Even though it's not a pleasent thought. And it's only an opinion! I feel the uvula could play a role in preventing phlem from being expelled when you cough. Maybe only an opinion but we could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and be sure?
  • For the cartoon characters to use as a punching bag. :)
  • there is no purpose to the uvula. I was born with a cleft palate (not lip, just palate) and mine was used to patch the hole in the roof of my mouth. I've lived without it for over 33 years and have no problems. Some believe it helps with speech, which is maybe why I had to take speech class when I was young, but my speech is not impaired by any means today. Some also believe it makes you snore, but I don't have one and I snore like crazy when I'm congested. Answer: No use other than to provide extra skin for repairs in the mouth.
  • I had a cleft palett and I happened to be of the experimental group in the late 80s/early 90s to have a uvular transportation or something like that. So they took some skin from somewhere else in my mouth and made me two little uvuli (uvuli-uvulae???). I was told never to have my tonsils out or else i'd sound really nasally. Other then that I have come to believe that the purpose of the uvula is to keep food from going up your nose...because mine is pretty ineffective...when I sneeze while eating its a horrendous experience for all closeby and realllly painful for me. and also so that you don't sound as nasally (as it helps block air into your nose). Something else about the uvula that I always wondered...I happen to be a coloratora soprano... I wonder if that has anything to do with it cos I can manipulate high pitched sounds really well and can vibrate glass and stainless steel (haven't tried other stuff). To the point of moving my dog's food bowls a few inches across the counter with only my voice like 2-4 inches away.
  • I had mine removed to help with sleep apnia, it took me awhile to get used to it. At first I did have problems when I coughed but no I cannot tell it's gone. So I don't knpw why it's needed.
  • The uvula is a very important tool your gastrointestinal track uses to breakdown food. It secrets a strong bile-like acid that immediately attacks chinchbugs that may have taken up home in your food. These chichbugs, domestic as they are, carry extreme viral and bacterial secreting compounds, and will deficate in your small intestine. The removal of the uvula may cause the chichbugs to overtake your colon as well as plug your konuter valve, which in return will give you a massive infection in your forncort. In other words, let the uvula hang.

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