• This is disgraceful.
  • I don't know that I would call it disgraceful, as I do not know the circumstances. Unfortunately, many of these insurgents use civilians - particularly women and children - as human shields. They hide behind them so that they will not be fired upon, even while they go about their militant activities. Without knowing the circumstances, I cannot call it anything. However, I do not relish the deaths of civilians, particularly children, and think that it should be avoided at all realistic costs.
  • DISGRACEFUL is too mild a word.
  • This is more than disgraceful. It's commonplace. I'm surprised that the journalist who reported this wasn't among the dead.
  • This is what happens in a war were our enimies use innocent men, women, and children as human sheilds with the combat feild being inside city limits, Emma. Hello, and welcome to urban gurrilla warfare. However seeing as how you grew up in Loas during Veitnam I'm sure you know all about it and what "Freedomfighters" are willing to do to even to their own people. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the dead civilains attributed to us actually have insurgent bullets in their backs. After all we are talking about people who kidnap and behead innocent people. Slowly with pocket knives. Oh, yeah, you seem to never want to talk about that part. Only what the big, bad Americans do. Never mind we take great pains to limmit callatoral damage such as this. Never mind the insurgents do this on purpose to raise the numbers of civillian dead. By the way US forces are not allowed to fire unless fired upon, or if a direct order they give to "Halt" is ignored, or if they see a weapon. They can also fire if a unarmed civlian is in danger of death. This is called the rules of engagment and justifiable use of deadly force. Rules even your own military uses. Yet seem to violate an awfull lot. Funny how all the reports of not only our guys, but civilian witnesses all say we did not fire first in most cases. That we were fired upon. These are not just military reports, but those given directly to the media by witnesses. Think about it what would be the sense of just walking through a neighborhood firing bullets at will? None. You'd put everyone at risk, even yourself, that way. These insurgents are not out in the open like you seem to think they are. Most are hiding in houses and firing from there. Houses full of civilians. They have cover we don't. The last thing someone without cover is going to do is start a gun battle. You can try all you want to vilify us to shore up your hatred and your biggotry, but your arguements never hold water for long.
  • Of course it is disgraceful...and so is the existence of the insurgents who continue destabilising the new government. If they stopped doing so, the coalition would leave.
  • It is worse than disgraceful! NINE CHILDREN AND SIX WOMAN WTF??? It is beyond belief that these people do this sort of thing. And, I am going to get flamed for this, but I blame THE SOLDIERS!!! Bush put them there, yes, but they fired the guns! They killed the innocent people! Bush is not innocent, but the soldiers are just as guilty (IN THIS CASE)!!!
  • While some civilian deaths are inevitable, this is excusable. Sure, we have to get the "bad guys", but sometimes the price is just too high. Even as a person who understands the sad reality of having to calculate what constitutes "acceptable losses", this is just plain bad.
  • That whole war is disgraceful.
  • If the bad guy shoots at me from a crowd of old women, I'll probably have to shoot enough of them to clear a path to my target. Failing that, I'll call an air strike and just kill everyone. Get off the soldiers back! The disgrace is in your pansy attitude about the tried and true defensive technique called shoot back.
  • All violent death is disgraceful. All violence is disgraceful. All death is disgraceful.
  • It is the settled policy of insurgents to murder as many civilians as possible, or to get them killed by using them as human shields. It is the settled policy of the United States not to kill civilians except by unavoidable accident. It is another indication of the complete moral blindness of Magenta Studios to hold up the accidental killing of civilians for condemnation and ignore the deliberate murder of their own fellow citizens by jihadists. He not only attempts to make the moral equivalence argument, as though the people we are fighting were not evil; he attempts to make the United States look evil and these jihadists look innocent.
  • If the stinking Iraqi "Insurgents" would quit hiding among their civilians and shooting, maybe the civilians wouldn't get shot. They do it on purpose just so the headlines can look like that. They know what they are doing and they don't even care. As long as it puts more pressure on the U.S. and causes even more protesting.
  • Yeah, that's extremely disgraceful! How could these terrorists be so cowardly and hide behind inocent civilians?? Although, I have to admit, it's quite brilliant at the same time. Using them as shields so that 1. they don't get shot and 2. if we kill the civilian by accident, it goes all over the headlines, and we loose that much more of the public's opinion. These terrorists are doing a pretty good job in winning this war. This is no war of hand to hand combat. If that were the case, we would have dominated a loooong time ago. This is a war of public opinion, and these biased liberal channels like CNN aren't helping much. So yes, I will join you in saying that this is disgraceful, these terrorists need to stop using such atrocious tactics... no morals.
  • Foreign policy is a political issue, if your political opponent disagrees with you,(and he does) do you automatically call him names such as "Psychopath, proud racist, and racist pig?" Do you admonish him to not "offend" anyone by giving a divergent point of view? Then that would make you intolerant of the views of others, much like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Usama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Jim Jones et al. Good luck with your endeavors to "reach" people.
  • Let me ask you a question then, tell the truth. When those bad guys shot at our troops, what should their response be? A. Shoot back. Or B. Die.
  • Emma, they were not Americans so those civillians and children don't really count. Sure if some innocent, law-abiding, quiet-living American citizen shot dead a murderous fellow-American who had kicked in the door of his house and was bent on raping then strangling his wife, he deserves to be put on trial for manslaughter, if not first degree murder. You can't just go around willy-nilly taking the law into your own hands in America, not like in Iraq. That is what the American judicial system is all about. But foreigners? Emma, they may belong to our species, but that doesn't mean they are like us - not truly civilized, decent people like us, and possibly not even Christian - need I say more?

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