• Spicy foods act as a decongestant! Garlic, horseradish and peppers stimulate the sinuses. After you eat those spices you will have a runny nose but don’t blow your nose with both nostrils together. If you do you will be creating a vacuum that forces everything to move upwards and toward the ears. One nostril at a time because doing that means no pressure in the ears. That way all pollutants move out instead of in. Sometimes a food allergy is responsible but more often than it means you've found a natural decongestant.
  • Most hot foods contain Capsaicin, the irritating chemical found in jalapeno, habanero, and other peppers. Capsaicin is believed to stimulate central nervous system fibers that control the quantity and thickness of mucus and other fluids secreted in the nasal passages and stomach. Wasabi does not contain capsaicin which is why it doesn't make your nose run. The heat in peppers is measured on the Scoville Scale. Jalapeno = 2,500-5,000 Scoville units. Habanero = 200,000-300,000 scoville units. About 16,000,000 Scoville units is pure capsaicin.

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