• Peacocks can fly up into trees to roost for the night but not for long distances.
  • Yes they can fly. They are not long distance fliers, but they can fly to avoid danger and to get to better breeding and/or feeding grounds.
  • They must be able to fly because one keeps coming into our garden and we have a 4' wall round it. They can't fly very far or very high, but they can certainly fly.
  • Peafowls are very stong fliers! Once they get to a high altitude they can soar for hours. They have very large wings and strong muscles that allow them to gain altitude and distance quickly. I once saw a male (peacock) leap into the air, spread its wings, take 8 to 10 breast strokes and disapear over the top of a 60 foot tree line in a mater of seconds. Although their typical tendancies are not to fly because the have an established home, they can fly if they so desire.
  • yes they can fly as a child I usty take peacock ,chicken and domestic goose from my father garden take them to the top of the 9 floor neer by bilding and throw them away and wach , peacocks fly great they flap with there wings 4 or 5 time and then glide for 5 seconds and they fly back to my garden so they have good sens of direction ,they fly like 500 meters. Probably because they had high start from 9 floor ,domestic goose can fly but not as well as peacocks they land 20 meters from the bildindg and cant glide but they land softly and chicken is the worst they crash land and ofen just 5 metars from the bilding they dont have any forvard speed and they fall like a parachute they cant glide and ofen they have scrape on ther legs after but at list they can break ther fall with rapid flaping of there wings .I was interestid in all flying animals ,today Im hang gliding and paragliding instructor. sorry about my spealing Im from Croatia and English is not my first language.

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