I have only seen 2 of Brad Pitt's movies that I liked, so my answer would be Mr. Pitt.
Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise. I just don't get what the big deal is there..
Tom Cruise. He's so obscure looking.
Tom Cruise..He's cheezy..
Brad Pitt.
Will Smith has shown the ability to be diverse and still give a good performance. Mel Gibson (though I think he's a nut case) has also shown that he can really deliver a performance. Brad Pitt, is starting to show more promise of being more than a pretty boy. Tom Cruise, in my opinion is by far the most overrated. He's also proving that he is a bit of a nut case. And I'm not being glib!
Tom Cruise.. funny the initials TC also stand for Total Cheese...
Bradley Stu Pitt
Brad Pitt
Tom Cruise over Will Smith only because I don't consider Smith to be a true actor so he "can't" be overrated.
Brad Pitt
Overrated? Tom Cruise. Underrated? Will Smith.
cruise...wanker, pitt...clothes horse, smith ...try hard....gibson ...the only one who can act
Tom Cruise, I have yet to see him in a really dramatic role that he carries off with panache.
Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt.
Tom Cruise
I vote for Tom Cruise.
Cruise and Pitt
Pitt and Cruise can't act for sh*t. The other two are so-so.
I think Will SMith is the most overrated of this group. I like him, and think he is entertaining, but they always seem to over-hype his movies and roles in them. I don't think it is his fault he is overrated, just he gets more attention than he deserves sometimes. I think the other three have all had incredible roles and proven their merit to some degree. Mel Gibson in Braveheart, Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, and Tom Cruise in Rain Man. Will Smith has made some nice movies, but none quite so dynamic as of yet.
Will Smith. I don't consider what he does acting at all. The others may be good or bad, but at least they're PRETENDING to be someone else. Pretty much every Will Smith role is just Will Smith self-insertion. (Incidentally, whoever answers "Brad Pitt" needs to go watch Snatch and reconsider their position.)
I'd say Cruise with Pitt a pretty close second. Smith is about one of my favorite and most versatile actors I can think of and Gibson is in my top 4-5 I'd say.
I'd say Will Smith. Cruise, Pitt, and Gibson have all proven themselves to be at least DECENT actors at some point in time.
Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. At least Mel can direct, while Will can rap. Just my opinion.
Brad Pitt
I would say Will Smith, Cruise, Brad Pitt and Mel Gibson can act...
Tom Cruise can act, Will Smith can act after Pursuit of Happiness, but all Brad Pitt has going for him is his looks, besides that he's not much of an actor.
Tom Cruise is a pogue. The other three always seem to deliver what is promised.
brad pitt easily. we've seen will smith have great performances, and show range as an actor, as with tom cruise who's was nominated for an a best acter oscar (just as smith was) and mel gibson has displayed range as well, being careful not to be the same guy in every movie. brad pitt is just that, the same guy in every movie. he as no range, he rarely stretches his roles. if white women weren't so in love with him he wouldn't have a job at all
Cruise and Pitt have the least appeal as seasoned actors.
With all of them, I've only liked a few of their movies. Personally, I'd have to say Will Smith. I just can't think of a performance he has done were it was exceptional. I think Mel is the best of the group, but has pretty much tarnished his reputation for good.
Tom Cruise
brad pitt CAN act (I don't thinks hes attractive at all but I still think he is a good actor. I could never understand the 'oh hes just hot' attitude), Will Smith is a lot more talented that he is given credit for, Mel Gibson has also proven himself to be a good actor and tom cruise.... comment
Tom Cruise; never really like any of his movies
Tom Cruise hasn't acted well since Top Gun. He's too much of a weeny for tough guy rolls.
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