• I have tried but due to a lazy eye, being short and long sighted with a stigmatism they wont touch me with a barge pole!
  • I would consider it if I were you. Speak with your eye doctor and see what they say.
  • I would consider it if I were you. Speak with your eye doctor and see what they say.
  • Yes, I'm just waiting for the funds!
  • My eyesight is far from perfect. I am farsighted and I need reading glasses. No. I would not consider Lasik surgery.
  • I've worn glasses sinse I was 10. After consulting my eye doctor I would never have laser surgery. He says that the laser will damage the coating of the eye (makes sense). And that the result will be different in each person. Some will barely notice anything, others may see a smokiness, & in some that smokiness will be extreme. I'll never take that gamble.
  • I've worn glasses since I was 21..I've had two big eye surgeries, one lens implant, and a touch-up laser surgery which was more painful then the actual big no, no more... .and, for your information out there, men do make passes at girl's who wear glasses and glasses tend to make people think you are more intelligent because people assume you must have worn your eyes out reading tons of books! :)
  • I went to Reading with my boyfriend when he had it there done 5 years ago. He said that it is the best thing that he has ever done and is so pleased with the results. I would qualify for it but the thought of having my eye lids clamped open scares me.
  • Yes, I have bad eye sight. I've worn glasses since I was 4 years old. I still wear them but mostly I wear contact lenses. I wouldn't consider laser surgery because I feel, at the moment, the risks are too great. I don't want to lose the sight I do have as I feel it's precious.
  • I have very weird eyesight (one near sighted eye, one far sighted) and have considered it, yes. If I get to the financial state I would like to be in, I'm getting it done.
  • I had eye surgery, replacement lenses about 3 months ago. It is fantastic i now have 20/20 vision.
  • I have awful vision, have since I was 10. I HATE wearing glasses. I have contacts, but my inactive tear glands make them feel like sandpaper on my eyes. I've already scratched my retina once on them. I save 'em for special occasions, since I can wear them for about 8 hrs before I feel like clawing my eyes out. I would shoot MYSELF with the laser if I could afford it. One of these days I'll have it done ^_^
  • I would do lens replacement, if I could afford it. Not Laser.
  • I would love to have laser surgery but unfortunatly i cant due to having too thin coroneas and a high perscription for astigmatism. I would love to be able to wake up and see cleary for the first time in many years without having to depend on my Glasses
  • Are you considering in having lasik surgery Ed? I wish you all the best if you decide to have it done My friend had eye done ealier this year and is really pleased with the results. The process does not take long about ten minutes for the actual surgery. I wish you all the best if you decide to have your eyes done.
  • YES! If I had the chance, I'd go. I hate having to depend on glasses/contacts to see clearly. It would save so much money and time for me to have that done. If you're going for it...good luck and tell me about the final results.
  • I would prefer to correct my eyes by yoga nor go into for surgery.
  • I have bad eye sight, and that surgery isn't worth the risk.
  • my vision was too bad for lasik (plus the astigmatism problem) so i got permanent contacts. plus if there's ever any reason to, they can remove them, unlike lasik which actually changes your eyes.

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