• It means a very easy popup catch, and the 'story' is that before supermarkets when small markets were prevalent with just one grocer, the canned corn would be stored on the top shelves because it lasted for a long time, and the grocer had to get these for customers because they were out of reach. The common way to do this was take a broomstick and knock the can toward you, catching it in the apron (the ends of which were pulled together to form a sort of glove.)
  • A "can of corn" is a fly ball that is easy to catch. This phrase apparently came from a former practice of grocery store clerks, who used to knock unreachable cans off high shelves with a stick and catch them in their aprons.
  • It comes from when the items in the grocery stores were high on shelves and had to be knocked off the upper shelves and caught. Same for when a fly ball comes down that way.

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