• Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world's highest at 979 m (3230 ft).
  • Angel Falls (indigenous name: Parekupa-meru) is the world's highest free-falling, freshhwater waterfall at 979 m (3,212 ft), with a clear drop of 807 m (2,648 ft). It is located in the Canaima National Park, in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, Venezuela at 5°58′03″N, 62°32′08″W The height of the falls is so great that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is buffeted by the strong winds and turned into mist.
  • Angel Falls is located in the Guayana highlands,one of five topographical regions of Venezuela. It plunges off the edge of a "Tepuy", or table-top mountain, and free falls 2,421 feet to the river below, making it the tallest waterfalls on earth. In total it is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls with a total of 2,937 feet. The falls are named after Jimmy Angel, an adventurous bush pilot from Missouri (Used to fly with Lindbergh's Flying Circus), today a modern legend. Jimmy Angel first saw the falls in 1933 with McCracken while searching for a legendary Gold Ore. Jimmy returned again in 1937 with his wife, Gustavo Henry, and Henry's gardener, they landed on top of the tepuy. Jimmy's Flamingo monoplane settled down into the marshy ground on top of the Auyantepuy and remained there for 33 years before being lifted out by a helicopter. Jimmy Angel and his three companions managed to descend the tepuy and make their way back to civilization in 11 days. Jimmy Angel's plane sits in the Aviation Museum in Maracay; the one you may be able to see on top of the Tepuy is a replica.
  • canada isn't it? niagra falls
  • Venezuela. Angel Falls. Mr Bill

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