• Several, but here's what works for me: 1. A warm bath. It's relaxing, plus I'm told it affects the circulatory system and promtes drowsiness. 2. Warm milk. It contains amino acids that promote drowsiness. 3. Camamille Tea, no sugar. Learned this from my wife. Makes her fall asleep, too.
  • Actually, the best herb to help with deep relaxation and sleep is valerian extract, or valerian root. You can pick up bottles of it (available in capsule form, and sometimes in teas) at your local supermarket in the vitamin and herb section. Valerian extract/root is completely harmless, 100% natural, and actually works better than most all over the counter sleeping pills!
  • Another good one is lavender essential oil. It's a sedative but just like the valerian, but be careful if u use to much it becomes a stimulant. If you haven't heard of valerian then you can also find it in something called 99 oil by Hagina (Eurocana) I don't know if they'll have that product where you are but a good place to find it is in a massage therapy supply store, same with the lavender oil. For both these oils a good method of use is on the feet, anything you put on your feet goes through your systom very quickly, prob a drop on each foot would be enough.
  • Magnesium. Sometimes calcium and magnesium, but contrary to what is popular in the media, most people get enough calcium. They lack magnesium. The two balance. You can over-do calcium, but not magnesium. In order for the body to properly absorb magnesium, it needs an acidic context. Natural Vitality (California) is a company that carries a magnesium product called "Calm". Within a few minutes you will find it effective. Not only will help one sleep, but it is great if you have muscle related problems, back pain, or any of a whole list of ailments. Here is something else. This will sound too simple, but the results are very worthwhile. It is a great solution for a variety of conditions. "TAKE A WALK ." That's right...go outside and take a walk. Put your attention on things in the environment, noticing the trees, grass, objects, sounds, smells, etc. Really LOOK at things. Notice things. Observe things. Don't worry about a physical exercise benefit. The idea here is to put attention out of the head and into the environment and things in it. This is also a good temporary remedy or assist for a variety of other things: Difficulty in going to sleep. Feeling exhausted or tired or too worn out to do anything. That "after work exhaustion". Worry or anxiety or feeling depressed. A rising, heated temper. Something that has a person "all riled up". An argument or rift between two people reacting to each other's buttons can be addressed if they take a break from the "fight" and go for a walk (by themselves). Someone being hysterical or distraught over something. Somebody acting "crazy" or nutty can gain some temporary sanity by just going for a walk and observing things. Part of what occurs when a person goes for a walk and looks at things, is that it "unsticks" areas of stuck attention. A person becomes more in "present time". You can even help sober up a drunk by calmly with good communication getting that person to look at different things and touching different objects. Try this sometime to see how it helps.
  • A great evening cocktail for one or two is two cups of lettuce leaves pressed down tightly, combined in a blender with two cups of pineapple juice. This is more effective fresh than leftover, so reduce the amounts if there's no one to share.
  • Get specially made "Sleepy Time Tea" Which can be found in the flavoured tea area of any large grocery mart. A cup of this with a bit of honey in it is a tasty way to end the night and really relaxes you. Has no Caffeine and is made out of several herbs for relaxation, and calming.
  • It may sound weird, but eating a peanut butter sandwich right before I go to bed helps me. My mother told me to do this and I don't know why it works, but it does. I'm still not off the med's, but do get a couple hours of sleep at least. Another thing you can do is drink a cup of chamomille tea, it has a relaxing and calming effect. Hope this helps. By the way: valerian root, very good advice.
  • i find any pasta or rice tends to make me very sleepy. u should try it. lol also a boring movie. for some
  • In Brazil we use passion fruit. You can find it at health food stores in tablet or capsule form. If you find the fruit or the concentrate juice at a local "latino/brazilian" store, you'll find it's delicious and quite soothing.
  • I put baby powder under my sheets to help me fall asleep. I dont know why it helps me but it does you should try it let me know how it works for you?
  • Valerian root, although effective - left me a little drowsy in the morning. Also, it's not recommended for long term use. Believe it or not, many prescription sleep drugs are based on valerian - it's just not one of the healthiest herbs out there. Magnesium products like Natural Calm and CalMag are also very good, but have an effect on the bowels that you may not want to use long term either. Hyland homeopathic products have a remedy for sleep which is very good. Most Health Food stores carry the Hyland line and you should have no problem finding it. Another product was "Sleep Assure" which worked very well and I was rejuvenated in the morning. This is also found in Health Food stores. Watching your diet (avoiding salt & sugar) and exercising a few times a week makes a big difference (it did for me). It helps to release stress and exercise increases endorphins and other neurotransmitters in our brain which we need to promote good sleep. Best of luck to you dear.
  • You may want to think twice about eating right before you go to bed. When you go to bed right after eating, your body has to work all night to digest that food. As a result you may not sleep as well, and you can end up more tired the following day
  • Before considering natural ways to aid sleep, it is important to identify which category the sleep problem falls into as this can determine the way to treat it. The U.S. National Institute Of Health categorizes insomnia this way: 1. Transient insomnia is just a temporary sleep problem lasting a few days or even a couple of weeks. 2. Intermittent insomnia refers to temporary sleep problems that last a few days or weeks re-occurring from time to time. 3. Chronic insomnia is when a person is unable to obtain adequate sleep most nights which goes on for a month and longer. With that criteria you can now evaluate the insomnia symptom that is causing you concern. If it falls into categories 1 and 2 it is unlikely to be serious. Sleeping tablets and medications or natural remedies can improve sleep duration and quality and make the insomnia symptom disappear. For example, natural sleeping remedies can include giving attention to bedtime routine, exercise routines, chromotherapy, breathing exercises, music, warm baths, stress relievers, herbs, vitamins, diet, chamomile, valerian, and lavender. Chronic insomnia is another story. An ongoing sleep problem can have a major impact on a person's quality of life, performance at work, and social behavior. In such cases medical attention is advised. A doctor will probably try and ascertain the underlying medical or even psychological cause of the insomnia symptom and prescribe a course of treatment accordingly. This may include medicine, or a variety of therapies such as relaxation, sleep restriction, and reconditioning. Insomnia can be further categorized in this way: 1. "Initial" insomnia: where you have difficulty in falling asleep, generally taking 30 minutes or longer to fall into a sleep state. 2. "Middle" insomnia: where after falling asleep you have problems maintaining a sleep state, often remaining awake until the early morning hours. 3. "Late" or "Terminal" insomnia: where you awake early in the morning after less than 6 hours of sleep. Insomnia can be the symptom of some medical conditions that may require your doctor's advice and medical care. In those cases the cause will be treated, not the insomnia. If, however, your sleeplessness is due to a pattern of not sleeping, or because your body and mind find it difficult to settle into a state of relaxation necessary for sleep, this guide offers you alternative choices for achieving healthy sleep without the use of prescription drugs: The Natural Sleep Guide
  • I use melatonin ,and it really helps me , and in the mornings i don't feel sleepy .
  • Eating healthy meals and a good day of work is the best way of getting a good nights rest.... Oh! get rid of all the stress in your life that you can. Forget the drugs, because they most likely will cause more sleep problems when you try and come off the things......
  • My suggestion was not to eat a big meal, before going to bed... I was just saying that when you eat right and do a good day of work that it really will help you sleep. I am sorry if I offended anyone with my answer.
  • Try counting backwards slowly. I imagine myself writing numbers, starting at 10 down to 1. If I get to 1, I start over. Or, imagine the beach (or some other soothing place). Or, try to invent a children's story in your head. Any of these help me fall asleep when I can't.
  • I always have trouble falling asleep, and this works for me guarenteed everytime. I lay down in bed in complete darkness. I lay on my back (even though I don't acutally like to sleep on my back), and I get comfortable. I clear my mind, and do a meditation technique. I breath in while counting to 4, and then breathe out and count to 4. DON'T LET YOUR MIND THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE, just concentrate on your breathing and counting. It always makes me fall asleep.
  • Antihistamine, 25-50 mg. one hour before bedtime is guaranteed. its not habit forming and is very cheap at dollar general stores. ok, its not natural, but it still works, promise.
  • I used to use a method that was introduced to me as "self-guided imagery." I found it to be an extremely effective way to get myself into a deep sleep quickly. The steps that I am going to outline here may be modified as you feel fit, but the person who taught me insisted that you had to have the same number of steps to achieve this level of deep sleep. He also informed me that the same technique is used by some hypnotists, except as a guided process rather than a self-guided process. Relax in your bed or another comfortable place and close your eyes. (I was told to keep at it while imagining the colors, until I could actually "see" the colors in my mind's eye. I have included "visual aids" that worked for me, but use whatever image will work for you.) Imagine the color red (i would visualize a red delicious apple) Imagine the color orange (a Sunkist orange) Imagine the color yellow (daffodils) Imagine the color green (a grassy field) Imagine the color blue (the sky on a sunny summer day) Imagine the color purple (grape jelly) Imagine yourself at the top of a set of white stairs. There are twelve stairs, and a white bed at the bottom of the stairs. Proceed down the stairs one at a time counting (to yourself) as you go. Stop on each step, until you can "see" all the details of that stair. Is it made of marble? If so, are their veins in the marble? What color are they? Is it made of wood? Is it a simple design or ornate? Is that step clean, or is there dirt in the corner of the stair? Remember to stop on each stair until you can "see" it in your mind's eye. When you reach the bottom of the staircase, step onto the floor and walk across to the bed. Lie on the bed, close your eyes, and go to sleep. I have done this exercise many times, and it has always worked well for me. I just want to add a note here: I used to work as a firefighter, and frequently had difficulty falling asleep at the station knowing that the phone or the house gong might ring at any minute. One time I used this method to get to sleep while at the station. I was on the fourth step from the top on my white stairs, when the house gong went off. I was immediately wide awake, and I was unable to fall asleep for the next three days. Every time I lay down and closed my eyes, I would hear the house gong going off and would sit upright in bed, wide awake. On that note, I would suggest you only use this method if you know you will not be disturbed. Another note: An old girlfriend, who I taught this technique to, always imagined her white staircase as being made of white chocolate. She confessed to me that she would imagine herself taking pieces from the staircase as she descended and eating them!
  • get a bottle of mallatonin it is all natural sleep aid. It works great with no drowsyness the next day.Find it at any drug store or your local walmart.
  • well, it helps if i don't worry or think of going to sleep. Also, don't do anything that will stimulate your brain too much about an hour before you sleep, such as watching a horror film, or things that make you think very very deeply or doing something that makes you make adrenaline, etc. RELAX yourself. that's probably the most important thing.
  • Yoga nidra
  • Yes buy the cd bedtime stories with Ben Stein.
  • Try some relaxing music. Maybe some of those natural sounds like water or birds. Make sure you are completely relaxed. You could also try envisioning a relaxing place such as a pond.
  • On nights where I feel over-stressed, I take a hot bath, drink a cup or two of tea (any kind really... it's the ritual that relaxes me, not so much the tea) and read a bit of a book, and snuggle into my warm bed, with a little lavendar oil on my pillows. I don't know what it is about Lavendar, but it makes my body instantly want to sleep.
  • hey im 15 and i cant get to sleep that esey i wood like to fall yo b sleepy a normel time and get up befor noon is there any NORMEL way of doing s0o
  • hmm i try going to bed when i feel tied i jst end up laying there for a hr or 2 befor i fall a sleep and then i have to sleep till 12 but i wont to get up and be a morning person agen this onyl started at the start of the skool holidays
  • My step-daughter, who is an insomniac, swears by a homeopathic remedy called "Calms Forte." It's a very gentle pill--so much so that a child can take it--with no side effects.
  • last nite i tryed the glass of milk idear and not thiking about going to sleep and it help me LOTS thanks evrey one
  • I have used valerian with good results. Some brands seem to work better. One other thing I do is try to remember a dream that ive had before. seems to put you closer to sleep. I also think about the honor guards at arlington national cemetery.
  • Lavender. The smell makes you sleepy.
  • usually a warm cup of milk for most people will work, but if that doesn't work then i would try to make sure that you are not having any mid day naps and when you are around the house don't stay in your bed and only use the bed for sleeping and other love. this will make ur body take the bed as for only sleeping. and if this is not the problem then comment and tell me.
  • I like to use Sleepy time tea, its a combination of herbal ingredients. You can find it at your Health food store.
  • Physical exhaustion. : )
  • Chamomile and Lavander helps. Also try turning ALL lights off, when it is dark your body will produce Melatonin which makes you fall asleep. You can also buy Melatonin capsule from a health food store, but it is easier and cheaper to produce your own. Always check with your doctor before taking any new meds even herbal supplements.
  • Small bite of salty hard cheese like Pecorino Romano and a glass of water (you don't have to brush after either) Works for me, sweet dreams!
  • Sex, no kidding. They did a study and they said if you have sex you will fall asleep quicker and sleep sounder. So go ahead give it a try and your partner might ask you every night how tired you are;)
  • Glass of wine
  • Melatonin is a natural source to help one sleep at night,and has many other benefits to ones health as well.
  • I use the ancient rememdy of Highland spring water - more commonly known as WHISKEY!
  • Hold your thumb on the middle of your forehead it relaxes your muscles.
  • Try spraying lavender on your pillows. i've been having sleeping issues lately and that tends to work 90% of the time.
  • Valerian tablets Chamomile tea warm milk Boil lettuce and drink the juice. (Its a natural opiate.) an allergy medication that contains at least 25 mg of dyphenhydramine (if you can have it? Ask your doctor!)
  • Cold shower, soft music, massages, sex (honest it helps to relax)
  • try spraying lavender on your pillows
  • Foods that are high in carbs Herbal tea Arrangement of your bedroom Sleep Mask
  • Closing your eyes.
  • Wine.... :o-)
  • HARD WORK is the most natural.
  • I don't know why everyone is posting these very long responses. The answer is yes, there are natural supplements that can help you fall asleep. Any product containing melatonin should do it. I recommend trying the 14 day trial at
  • Reading produces a chemical in the brain which causes drowsiness. thats why alot of people fall asleep reading. knocks you out if you read for an hour. smoking weed is another one. It's pretty much natural because it comes from the earth. Also try accomplishing a lot more throughout the day. Humans sleep because their mind needs to replay the events that happened that day and process them. If you didn't do anything your mind won't want to sleep because it has nothing to process. If all fails try eating an enormous amount of unhealthy greasy foods. This can cause the "itis".

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