• Have you tried calling your local or state police?
  • I do not know if it has its own law in NC, but here in NY it is considered Child Abuse, Neglect, or Endangering the Welfare of a Child. A child died here last Friday after his Mom left him in a car, and the same day, another was left in a car while her nanny went inside to a tanning appt. According to our local news, the mom of the child who died is being charged with Neglect. The nanny is being charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child. I do not know how the DAs decide which charge will be used. So, while there may not be a specific law about the parked car, it may still fall under some other "umbrella" law. I don't know why there are separate "spelled out" laws for some things, but not for others. Again for an example, in NY, even though the leaving in the car thing falls under the statutes mentioned above, we DO have a specific law that a child of certain age and/or weight must be secured in a car seat. I hope this helps you.
  • Yes. "Under North Carolina law it is illegal to leave a child under eight years old alone in a car or a home for any amount of time. If your child is under eight and in the car it is illegal to leave the immediate area. This includes stepping into a building for any reason."

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