• I used to do it in Ireland and my nan told me it didn't. I always thought they had a smile on their face as if they found it a-moo-sing.
  • They'll let you know if you're not doing it right. (*ahem* whom are you smitten with??)
  • No it does not hurt them , they will soon kick you if it does. It is a relief for them to be milked.
  • Only if you don't buy them dinner first;)
  • Ask any woman if it hurts to breast feed. It is a relief, yes, because they are full of milk, but the nipples hurt, and sometimes become infected and/or bleed. Sometimes, their udders "break down", that is, the ligaments can no longer support the machinery, and they are sent off to slaughter. As far as just a home farm, milking by hand, I imagine it hurts only as much as it does to nurse a calf.
  • It doesn't hurt them..if it does, it shouldn't be milked in the first place..and it would complain if it does hurt. Ü
  • It doesn't hurt them..if it does, it shouldn't be milked in the first place..and it would complain if it does hurt. Ü
  • no its doesnt hurt them cows enjoy it i have 300 cows and i milk everyday twice a day
  • no, i dont think so...
  • No, it would hurt them if they didn't get milked.
  • No, actually, if they don't get milked, that is when they are in pain.
  • I have never asked 1 but I know it would hurt if someone was yankin on my nipples!
  • it probably relieves the pressure they feel when they fill with milk. if one doesnt milk a milk cow, it will eventually die for lack of being milked. it makes me think we breed milk cows just produce milk for calves that do not exist. they must think the milking machines are their children.
  • It had better not as they've got a mean hoof on them if they need it.
  • It does if they have bad childhood memories of being milked by nasty Uncle Jimmy!
  • Not untill you do it the right way out.
  • 1) Hand milking: "Don’t be dainty or afraid that a tight squeeze will hurt the cow—it won’t (you should see what the calf does!)." Source and further information: "Squeeze the udder as you pull down toward the bucket. Don't be afraid you'll hurt the cow; she is hurt more by not having the milk taken out or by the calf's teeth!" Source and further information: 2) "The milking machine doesn't hurt the cow. If you're not sure, stick your finger in the suction device. It's strong, but it does not cause pain. It mimics the suckling of a calf." Source and further information: 3) "Dairy cows are the hardest worked farm animals. and mothers. The only reason they produce milk is to feed their calves... but we steal their milk and deprive their calves of the love and affection, security that is their right as living, breathing creatures. They suffer abuse, neglect, illness. Seperation from all the calves they give birth to. Dairy cows living in a happy healthy environment can live for up to 25 years. But because of their hard lives, they are worn out by 4 or 5 years old. They will be sent to slaughter, where many cannot even stand up anymore. They are filled with fear, as they smell the blood of others who have had their throats cut, and struggle to escape when they hear the cries of the other cows. An absolute gruelling life and gruelling death, all inhumane and cruel. Cows are sensitive, and are sentient creatures, they deserve respect and compassion. These farm animals are the forgotten ones, i feel so hurt that there is no human compassion for them, and it is taken for granted they are just milk machines. They feel love, fear, comfort, and grief. As we do." Source and further information: "As far as milking cows..It's a natural process that relieves pressure that was meant for their calf, not human consumption. When most corporate owned dairy farms milk cows, they inject the cows to make them produce more milk which makes the cows udders drag and become infected, much more painful than the original process itself. the milking process on most, not all, factory farms is extremely stressful and traumatizing" Source and further information: 4) "For many people, dairy farming conjures up images of small herds of cows leisurely grazing on open pastures. Although scenes like this still exist in the United States, most milk is produced by cows raised in intensive production systems.1 Farms with fewer than 200 cows are in sharp decline, while the number of very large operations, with 2,000-plus cows, more than doubled between 2000 and 2006; the largest have over 15,000 cows.2 Large operations have higher stocking densities and tend to confine their cows in barns or in drylot feedyards.2 Some cows are housed indoors year-round,1 and lactating cows are often kept restrained in tie stalls or stanchions.3 Organic farms are required to provide cows some access to pasture; however, it’s not uncommon for large organic dairies to purchase most of their feed and rely very little on pasture.4 Between 1940 and 2007, the average amount of milk produced per cow rose from 2 to 10 tons per year.5 Although genetic selection and feeding are used to increase production efficiency, cows do not adapt well to high milk yields or their high grain diets.6 Metabolic disorders are common, and millions of cows suffer from mastitis (a very painful infection of the udder), lameness, and infertility problems.1,3,6 Most dairy calves are removed from their mothers immediately after birth.3 The males are mainly sold for veal or castrated and raised for beef.1 Calves raised for “special-fed veal” are kept in individual stalls and slaughtered at about 16 to 18 weeks of age—for “bob veal,” they’re killed at 3 weeks or younger.7 The female calves are commonly subjected to tail docking, dehorning, and the removal of “extra” teats.1 Until they’re weaned at 8 weeks of age, most female calves are fed colostrum, then a milk replacer or unsaleable waste milk.3 Each year hundreds of thousands of these female calves die between 48 hours and 8 weeks of age, mostly due to scours, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. Although they don’t reach mature size until at least 4 years old, dairy cows first give birth at about 2 years of age and are usually bred again beginning at about 60 days after giving birth, to maintain a yearly schedule.1 Each year, approximately one quarter of the cows who survive the farms are sent to slaughter, most often due to reproductive problems or mastitis.3 Cows can live more than 20 years, however they’re usually killed at about 5 years of age, after roughly 2.5 lactations.1 The term “downer” refers to an animal who is too injured, weak, or sick to stand and walk. The exact number of downer cattle on U.S. farms or feedlots or sent to slaughter facilities is difficult to ascertain, but estimates approach 500,000 animals per year; most are dairy cows.8 Complications associated with calving and injuries from slipping and falling are leading causes of downer dairy cows." Source and further information:
  • Actually, modern breeds of diary cows will get severely hurt if they aren't milked regularly. They simply produce too much milk for their udders to contain
  • No, not milking a cow hurts them.......I'm from Wisconsin.....and I know that for a fact.
  • 3-24-2017 You gotta talk to 'em for a while first. THEN you milk 'em!

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