• Nope you have to buy a stupid memory stick which being the highest currently a 2gb... it costs like 160 quid though(dunno in dollars).....but you get a free 32mb stick in the box. i reccomend getting a bigger one because it doesnt have enough memory for full length films etc.
  • actually, against public information, the psp does have an internal memory unit. it is 4MB big, and holds all your settings and updates on it, along with wallpapers. however, there is no way to access is through computer or psp.
  • It does have its own memory.. It is known as Flash 0, 1, 2, and 3.. If you have a PSP with custom firmware which means it should be Hacked. You can access that part of the PSP. A PSP 1000 has about 30mb of memory, and a slim has about 64mb of flash memory..

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