• I guess I don't understand. My impression is that, in prison, inmates receive all the necessities and then some. Not only a bed, clean clothing and three meals a day, but also amenities like cable television and exercise equipment. *** In other words: they have luxuries that I cannot afford. *** So: when all of his needs are being met - and met quite well, from my perspective - why would you need to support him?
  • You don't mention what country you live in. In the US it's strictly voluntary. If you're in the US, just stop providing support. If you gave a debit or credit card to the prison to provide support, cancel that card~
  • You can edit your question or comment with the pencil icon. Some unicode text doesn't work on this site and might cause your question not to show up properly. Anyway, if you have a family member you need to stop supporting, then you probably need to stop supporting them. I know it sounds harsh, but continuing to support them just reinforces the behaviour you ultimately want to help them change.
  • So stop it! Do you have a wife and kids? Why are you having to support this person?

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