  • He "went too far" decades ago. With regard to Ukraine, he "went to far" the moment he decided to invade.
  • Putin has gone too far because Biden let Putin go too far. And next, Xi will go too far with Taiwan, while Joe gums his pudding. Biden is a leftist doormat.
  • I can't believe you people who want to see a war started so badly. Who said that Putin was behind this? What are your sources? It doesn't take much time or effort to discover a few facts about the incident. From a video: "The lone tank is believed to be a Strela-10, a anti-aircraft vehicle used by both the Russian and Ukrainian armies. And it is believed to have been driven by pro-Russian "saboteurs" - who also stole a military truck before they were killed by soldiers." For those of you who don't speak in factual language, "pro-Russian" means NOT Russian but supportive of their cause - this takes Putin out of the list of suspects, doesn't it?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! Somebody had to instruct the Russian tank operators to do the worst possible to Ukrainian civilians.
  • Putin first went too far when he invaded Ukraine. There was no rational, justified way to declare war with Ukraine.
    • Army Veteran
      Except, perhaps, that the Ukrainian people are Russian and don't want to live under Ukraine's corruption anymore.

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