• You already know how this is going to work! As soon as they demand people sell their guns back for retail price compensation, those guns will be worth ten times as much. Supply and demand economics - demanding gun buybacks not only threatens supply, but increases demand. And, anyway, there will always be a black market for guns.
    • Linda Joy
      Like how gun sales skyrocketed when Obama took office. That would be Barrack Hussein Obama former POTUS just in case you couldn't figure that one out. And used cars back when they bought back those.
    • Archie Bunker
      Not only do gun-buy backs not work, but should the government be in the business of buying items that it thinks that your shouldn't have?
  • I think its a stupid idea. The government needs to execute murderers and terrorists and never give out their names so they get absolutely no recognition. That's why these idiots do it for the attention. They need to quit playing along with the delusion that collecting tools will make a difference.
    • Archie Bunker
      There is no accountability anyone, Linda. I remember the days of driving to school with the rifle hanging in the back of my truck, and I'm under 50 years old. Now, no one is at fault for their actions.
    • Linda Joy
      Even worse they teach these people they can't think for themselves and need to be told each step to take and what they can and can't do! Like they don't have enough sense to be safe. But it also steals their power because if they knew their actions often determine the outcome they'd realize they have the power to change it by changing their actions! Parents who enable criminal behavior in their children are crippling them! Preparing them for a life in prison!
    • Archie Bunker
      And take a look at who's pushing the gun control measures..... people who can hire (or have tax-payer funded) their own security.
    • Linda Joy
      Very true! Just like those pushing Government health care will never have to use it!! They'll be able to afford better care!
  • So stupid and out of touch with what is happening. For example, there is an explosive demand for guns among women !! Why? Insecurity and government laziness in enforcing the law. In 2003, only 13 percent of women identified as gun owners. Fast forward to 2020 and that number totals nearly 25 percent. According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 25 percent of those female gun owners say self-protection is their main reason for owning a gun, and 70 percent say owning a gun is essential for their personal freedom.

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