• I believe it was 300 yards.
  • Actually Kennedy was 175 to 265 feet away the distance varied because the vehicle was moving away from the shooter.Oswald used the Italian made Mannlicher Carcono rifle which would could easily hit its target out to 200 yards.Despite what conspiracy theorist try to say about Oswalds shooting abilities his military record showed him to be an excellent shooter.During his Marine Corps service in December 1956, Oswald scored a rating of sharpshooter ,twice achieving 48 and 49 out of 50 shots during rapid fire at a stationary target 200 yards away using a standard issue M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle. Although, in May 1959, he qualified as a marksman, a lower classification than that of sharpshooter, military experts, after examining his records, characterized his firearms proficiency as "above average" and said he was, when compared to American civilian males of his age, "an excellent shot". There were 3 shots fired and only 2 hit Kennedy that is an accuracy of only about 66% Oswalds military record was much much higher at 96-98%.
  • Where can Oswald's "military records" with respect to his shooting ability be found?
  • Not far enough, unfortunately
  • You guys kill me with your magic bullet there was more than one shooter, it's to funny this is the bullet that killed JFK it was never fired, you have been had.
  • The distance was 88 yards, an easy shot for Lee Harvey Oswald using a 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with a 4X scope. Oswald, a marine sharpshooter, routinely received high scores on head-sized targets at 200 yards. Kennedy's car was a slow moving target at 11 mph.
  • I would say that Oswald would have the ability to shoot Kennedy with the gun he has and the distance.The issue is that there were bullets fired from the opposite direction at Kennedy so the prospect of multiple shooters.
  • How can someone say something cannot be done when admitting in the first few words that they do not know the facts? Read the previous answer, some of the facts (actually, probably most, if not all, of the pertinent facts for this question) are there!!
  • The proof is in the Zapruder film notice how Kennedy is holding his throat and Connely his holding his hat which would be impossibe since his ulna and radius were shattered by the lone bullet.

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