• For me, slowing down time will be a good start. lol
    • Majik-1
      When you learn how to do that, PLEASE come back & share!!! :)
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I have learned by sharing an answer already, meaning that if I can slow down time in my world, (as I can only speak for myself), then that's a good start. As for your world, what you do with your time is your problem. LOL *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh, PLEASE come back so I can see if you are working Majik in your comments. :)
  • I'd have come out of the closet the first time I made love to a black gay classmate in high school. He wanted to openly date and I didn't have the courage.....I lost him because of it.....biggest regret ever
  • Two things I think. One I'd probably get in touch with my bi side earlier and have more sex with other men. Secondly, I would have invested more earlier in securities.

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