I have noticed them popping up even when the site is active. I don't know if it is someone going in the categories and answering them (which I do know will put them back in the questions list) or if it's automated. I do know some get put back in the list without ever being answered. So I know answering the questions is not the only way they get back in the list.
Subject 89P13You're probably right about being automated because I've noticed resurrected questions sometimes obviously come from one category. Something like 3-6 similar necro-questions with no new answers. If you go to the category itself, you can only see one page so it'd be hard to get to these questions unless the software does it.
Subject 89P13I'm an oldtimer and, as soon as I click on a question, the number of answers gives most of the old ones away, the ones with few answers are given away by the names of the answerers and sometimes the name of the asker (so I don't bother clicking). It still pisses me off to click on something interesting only to see the asker will never see it. There will never be any interaction.
Linda JoyIce man taught me to look at the number in the address line it'll tell how old the question is roundabout. Because I've only been here two months and I don't know who the older people were. But I do know that some older questions have been answered and discussions have ensued so sometimes people will see these comments and then to me it's no longer a dead question.
Linda JoyI've also clicked on the 'breadcrumbs' at the bottom of the page and answered them. You can also re ask the question and start a new conversation. I know you old timers have a different way of seeing things and I respect that. But in my opinion letting a really good dead question lie is a good way to kill the site eventually. I think good questions lead to more thought and more thought usually leads to more good questions even if the asker never sees your answer. Just a thought.
Subject 89P13I would think that the more old answers the less likely a lot of people would be to scroll to the end. I recently answered a necro just 'cuz but I won't bother often. A solid indication that an oldtimer has come back is if there is an avatar, by the way. They might have come, changed their avatar, and left... but they /were/ here and possibly /are/ here. Also, I see the occasional comment to someone I know is long gone, including being deceased. The commenter has to wonder... until they figure it out.
Subject 89P13On the old AB they merged similar questions, which is how you got those 100+ answer monstrosities. It even killed discussion on the old site because... why? Your answer was way down past the point where anyone would scroll... they went much longer than 100. Also, often the answers don't make complete sense when paired with the question because the employee didn't pay a lot of attention when they did it. I really like that you are reasking these old mega-questions! Please keep it up! I am hoping that, other than spates of "Why is the sky blue?" (it has happened, was a way people trolled) the new mods don't do this. I agree that leaving these necros lying around is going to contribute to the strong possibility of the new site's demise. I /really/ hope that, if the site's new traffic picks up, they stop reanimating the necros.
Subject 89P13Oh, also newcomers will never see what made the old AB great because all of those glorious comment threads were not saved.
Linda JoyEveryone needs to ask more questions, and reask old ones. I'm already here all day and ppl Are getting tired of hearing from just me.
Subject 89P13I don't have a lot of time for online stuff anymore so, bearing that in mind, I can say that I think you're doing good for the site. Your questions, in general, are the type anyone can answer. Out of about 9 years I asked just over a hundred questions, most of them too specific to get, generally, more than a few answers..
Linda JoyI've done that too. People here just don't get how probability wave functions could be perceived as disproving destiny.
Linda JoyI'm getting close to 500 questions asked. I'll probably reach that today. And thank you for encouraging me. It means a lot.
Not as often as it used to be. Now the site is dead.
not sure
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