• I would rather have someone else be in the center, I prefer being laid back, You can't be laid back if you're the center of attention.
  • Typically, I don't like being in the spotlight. I get too self conscious. Though, if I really know my stuff and are comfortable with what I'm doing that even if I DID make a mistake I could fix it- then I don't mind it so much. As long as I really do know my stuff. Not many things bother me more than when someone wants the spotlight so much they're willing to just spew random stuff out that doesn't even make sense.
  • is everyone looking at me?
  • I generally would rather let others have the spotlight but if I do a good job at something I don't mind being recognized for it.
  • I prefer to be out of the spotlight, and I hate to be remembered - but I have an unusual name and people seem to remember me! :)
  • I rather be not the center of attention but usaully end up beibg the center of attention
  • I would prefer not to be the centre of attention. I am much more comfortable to be around the edges.
  • Socially, I'm more of the wallflower type, but then I have no troubles with playing a music gig or making a speech or presentation. I guess the defining difference is this: it's easier to for me play a role or have a job than to just be myself sometimes.
  • I have a ferocious craving for attention. Yikes! When I was a kid, I had 5 siblings. My parents were divorced, we all lived with my mother... and at the dinner table, if you wanted attention you had to be louder, funnier, more clever, and more verbose than 5 other kids to get any attention! So that was my early childhood conditioning. In recent years, I've learned to tone it down a bit, but the fact is I'm still prone to grabbing the floor and holding on to it. What an irritating person! :)
  • I hate being the center of attention. The spotlight is NOT where you will find me. Even in school, I loved working in the drama department but I loved making scenery, sewing costumes and catering the events. That's where I shine. Show me something concrete, something real to do and I'm happy. I'll leave the schmoozing and the glowing to other people. If I think someone wouldn't or doesn't mind, I will shove THEM into the spotlight like a decoy lol!!!
  • depends on the circumstances - if i'm out with the girls, you will find me in the nightclubs, dancing on a table or a podium, and i enjoy that side of my personality, but i have times i'd prefer to fade into the wallpaper. In short, if i feel comfortable doing something that will place me centre of attention, i don't mind - i don't like being the centre of attention if someone 'puts me on the spot', so to speak x x
  • If I am around my friends...LOVE THE SPOTLIGHT because I can be me!!! With my husbands friends, NO WAY JOSE...I will let them shine and I will listen and watch.
  • in high school i always was the invisible one. need i say more?
  • I love being the center of attention, I'm a jokster however I get incredibly shy and tend to fade in the back when he is around...Yes he is my boyfriend...
  • I take a nice, comfortable fetal position in the corner.
  • I don't mind being the center of attention.
  • definately not the centre of attention, though i like some attention.
  • I shy away from any attention...I hate to be the center of attention. Bascially I am shy and would be embarassed to be put in the fore front. I make a good wallflower and would be content to be a background.
  • I would rather blend into a wall somewhere until its time to go home :)
  • Others in day to day life. I make my money making others look good. With friends, I like to be in the middle kind of mixing things up.
  • you can have it. i don't really mind it, but i'd rather be in the corner watching.
  • I hate the spotlight. Luckily, the spotlight hates me as well.
  • I love to be the center of attention.
  • I don't really like being "the center." I don't mind being in front of people, but I don't want to be the main person.
  • that's often the recipe for a panic attack. i'll stay on the outskirts thanks.
  • Being the centre of attention sounds like nightmare material to me - think i'll go hide behind the duck pond - again.

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