• It should have been included with the paperwork when you bought the property (as part of the escrow process). If not, you can go to the city and get a copy which will show the measurements of the lot and describe any easements.
  • I don't know where you live but here we could get this from the Maricopa County Recorders Office. See if you have something similiar where you live.
  • The plat of your land is on public record. If you don't have an individual plat, you can get a copy of the subdivision you live in. There are times when there is not a plat, but you can always go by the deed which has to include a legal description of your property. If all else fails, call a surveyor and have them stake your property line. The have to put the stakes where the line is according to the public record. This way, you not only know where the line is, but you have the survey company to back you that it is correct.
  • 407 so. lincoln street morocco, in 47963

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