• To save money. It is much cheaper to ship 12 ounces, even in a refrigerated truck, than 48 ounces in a carton--and it is much cheaper to ship 48 ounces in a carton than to ship all the oranges, and have to throw away the peels and the pulp once you arrive. And it is much cheaper to have one big processing plant in Florida or California than to have a small one in every store, though big stores can afford it. You'll notice, however, that their fresh-squeezed juice is much more expensive. Of course, cartoned OJ comes in a standard 64-ounce half-gallon, but the principle still applies--most people prefer 12 ounce concentrate cans, but you can buy 16 ouncers. Four 12-ounce concentrates are cheaper than three half-gallons. And in fact many half-gallons are made from concentrate--they add the water locally.
  • Actually no bottled,canned or frozen juice is freshly squeezed.Studies have shown that the nutrients of are lost within 5 minutes of the juicing process.The juices we buy are virtually without life.They are pasteurised and heated ,then bottled,then sit on the store shelves.Concentrated means the water is taken ou than added by us at home.
  • does juice from concentrate have the same nutritional value than fresh squeezed juice?
  • its all about cost. its much more expensive to squeeze the juice n package it frm the source(florida) n then ship them to all over the world than to squeeze the juice outta the oranges n extract the water out(volume smaller,shipping cost lower), ship them to all over the world, n finally have the water added back at the regional factory ,packaged n sold. u may ask why then r there still companies makin frm concentrate juices,since not-frm-concentrate juices taste so much better and any further cost will be passed onto the consumers. this concerns market demand. if the consumer country is real broke or well-off, not many ppl can afford not-frm-concentrate juices n u can only push the prices down so far. ppl will go for the cheaper substitute, frm-concentrate.

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