• They reduced their rates in Miami, FL also. They sent me a check for over-paid insurance. Don't know if it has anything to do with the Katrina victims. But I know I was happy. =)
  • Yes but fear not. They will get it back from you at a later date.
  • it does not had anything to do with Katrina. When insurance companies give money back to their customers is because they have a less ratio of losses on that expecific area than they expected or they got a higher volume of customer than they expect to have. no all insurance companies give money back it has to be a MUTUAL company. State Farm is a Mutual Company.
  • no, it's probably because that area was much safer than previously expected so they had to refund people. you might be able to get claims records from the company that you'll be able to figure out why from.
  • I have had State Farm for 30 years. They will send you a check if the claims have not come in as calculated for your region. It happens occasionally. I have gotten about 2 checks in 30 years.

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