• Married? For nine months? And no sex? Geezus! Your not very good at this marriage thing are you! Yes you can get an anullment, if your not fulfilling your vows it can call for such action by the courts, though the judge may make some recommendations. Your grounds are your vows, "in sickness and in health", if your not having sex, your partner is not being supportive of your mental and sexual health which is making me sick thinking about it. Consult a good divorce attorney to better understand the law and your options, thats my best recommendation.
  • Absolutely. If you haven't had sex, you're marriage isn't legally "active." You are married formally, but the act of sex is still a legal requirement (unless some arrangement was made beforehand) for it to "count" At least, this is what I have learned from TV and a high school law class. Probably should check with a judge or lawyer.

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