• Excellent question! I have always felt it was a positive thing because it meant I didn't have to push the wagon uphill any longer. Now I could coast down the other side. But I have been told it means I am really headed for the fall that follows success; success being the crest of the hill.
  • Postitve, means the hard work is done and you can pretty much coast from now on.
  • It is both going down is not good when it comes to somethings but is better when others. Less work going down hill but also you could be dropping.
  • I would say negative, but than thinking about it if you say "It's all up hill from here that sounds more negative.
  • After a tough day, someone could say "hey, its all downhill from here" and that is a good thing. OR, you could turn a certain age and someone could say "It's all downhill from here" and it would be negative. Good question! I guess it is both.
  • I have always known the expression "it's all uphill from here" to be a positive one. As a child that expression was common in our household from my mother who was exceptionally wise. Uphill to me means bigger and better things. Like the Jefferson's "Well we're moving on up to the east-side to a deluxe apartment...". You may or may not know the song. Anyhow, I am here because my teenage son believes down hill to be the positive. I was shocked at his opinion. I guess the subject never came up. He believes it is positive because it is easier. I believe taking the easy way gives one, no satisfaction of accomplishment. If we look at the physical side of the question: While hunting in Montana I learned that one always puts the shooter of the team at the top of the hill because an animal will always run uphill, never down. Perhaps they know that it is easier to fall when moving down than up. I learned as a fitness trainer that climbing down a staircase is much harder on the knees and much more strain on the leg muscles. Besides the view is not as magnificent. So with those three examples I will always maintain my opinion that up-hill is more of a positive than a negative :) Chris
  • Had never really thought about it until now. I always thought it was a positive statement (the reasons for which others have already stated in this post). I understand the negative connotations because of it's similarity to another phrase "it's really gone downhill." I really believe that the basest meaning of this phrase is that you have gotten to the top of the hill (obstacle) and you can now coast.
  • It can be either, based on context.
  • Both, depends on context. It can mean the hard part is over its easy from here to the end. or Things are just gonna get worse and worse from here on.
  • Negative. It means that, going forward, things will only get worse. Unless you're climbing a mountain, in that case, it's a good thing
  • It can be either one...and it is determined by what lies at the end of the road. If your business is failing and you say it's "all downhill from here" the destination is failure and that's bad. If you have been struggling with an issue and you are starting to see an end to the struggle and you say "it's all down hill from here" the destination is the end of struggle and that's good. It's one size fits all.
  • On my way to Santa Cruz, it was all downhill from Skyline Blvd (Hwy 35). If my brakes were worn or otherwise defective, I could easily lose control. I could also use high gears easily. It is mostly uphill from Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd to Skyline Blvd on Hwy 9, and needed to use lower gears.
  • could go either way: all downhill could mean its gonna get easier OR all downhill could mean its all going to hold less happiness

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