The opposite feeling of falling "in". Edit: considering the question posed it's an appropriate answer. I gave you the opposite of falling "out".
You don't just "fall" OUT of love. You don't even "fall" IN love. What I'm trying to say is that you dont "fall" in love like you fall in a ditch. Loving somebody is your choice. You get to know them and if you start liking them, then you have a "choice" if you want to start to love them...(you, "wow...I really like her/him. Hopefully it will go the right way". That is when you made your choice.) After a while, you start to really care about them a lot and you treat them really good. And you do this because YOU made a CHOICE to do this. Your CHOICE was to LOVE them. Understand? You can't just FALL out of a's your choice, you see the ditch and its your choice to go in it. It will also be you choice if you want to climb out of it. It's going to be hard to climb out, but if you choose to do that, then you will. "How do you know if you've fallen out of love?"...Just ask yourself if you love that person. Ask yourself things like "Do I still want to do the things I wanted to do with him/her?" "Do I still care about him/her like I used to?" "Do I feel like I need him/her?" and/or "Do I still love him/her?" Its ALL YOUR CHOICE. If you don't feel the feelings you used to feel before you asked these questions to yourself, then it will be your choice to move on(that means you choose to not be in love with that person.) or to stay were your at.(that means to still love that person). Well, hopefully this help you out with your question. You just have to think DEEP in things like this. Some people belive in fate, destiny, or/and soulmates and others just believe in one night things, hit it and quit it, and other things like that. But its all your choice. You just got to remember that. If you meet a person and say "We're just meant to be!" then its YOUR CHOICE to belive that. Well alright, hopefully you understand what I'm saying. SO ITS YOUR CHOICE TO MOVE ON or TO STAY WERE YOU WERE AT.
I'm going to answer this question the same way I would if you asked me the opposite. You just know. Everyone experiences both in different ways, and at some point, it should hit you and then you realize it. Sort of like "Wow, I'm totally in love with her" or "Wow, I totally don't love her anymore." It's hard to quantify and explain, and I bet everyone figures it out on their own time (i.e. some people are quicker to realize their feelings). I'd kind of have to agree with it being like the opposite of falling in love.. rather than noticing your increasing feelings for someone and putting it all together, I'd say you'd notice your decreasing feelings for someone in much the same way.
When you stop getting butterflies in your stomach when you're around them.
As long as you are in the relationship you never know that if you've fallen out of love or not. People think that they have fallen out of love and they break up the relationship. Thats when you find out if you've really fallen out of love or not. If you can easily look away and move on that means you've in fact fallen out of love, but if you start missing that person no matter how much you try to hide your feelings thats when you know that you were actually still in love with that person and you were just tired of some specific habbit of his/her.
I would have to say it's not the same as falling 'in' love, just opposite. It's not like rewinding a video tape. When you've really loved someone, you never really stop. Some part of your soul was touched by another and you are changed by love. It also really depends on your own personal idea of love. Is it love when you have a lot of romantic chemistry together? Is it love by getting up extra early every morning to care for your family even after you haven't slept because your 'lover' was snoring all damn night? Is it love by letting someone you care for walk away to a happier life? I think of that 'falling in love' feeling as really the infatuation part. Maybe falling out of love is the end of the infatuation period - you know, when you start noticing all the yuk stuff about the other person; he slurps his soup, she has fat ankles, etc. Once you strip away the blinders placed on your face by infatuation, if you still like the person, then you might have a shot at a good friendship, if not love. If, instead, you find the person so utterly repulsive that you can't believe you ever had anything to do with them, then it probably wasn't love in the first place. I don't know, just some thoughts...
Asking that question could be a good sign.
You cringe when you see the person. You ask yourself,"Good God, what have I done?" For the first time, you see the person as he or she really is. Once you thought she had a beautiful complexion. Now you see that her skin is sallow & pockmarked. Her lovely legs now look like they belong on an old billiard table. Her shiny radiant hair now looks like upholstery stuffing. That small cavity on one of her front teeth was scarcely noticeable; now you can't take your eyes off of it. You never noticed before that one of her eyes seems to function independently of the other. Things that once seemed charming or endearing are now annoying. You used to love her rambling convoluted stories about her days as a cheerleader; now you gnash your teeth as you suffer through them. That clever pet name she had for you now makes you wince. You wonder why she wears that same tattered dress so often. That pleasing musical laugh that made you smile now sounds like a car alarm. These are examples of subtle indications that you have fallen out of love. If you inexplicably "fell out" of love, you probably were never in love, just infatuated. Unless this is the 20th time, it's nothing to feel bad about. It happens all the time. It doesn't necessarily mean you're shallow or immature. You (gently) dump her and move on. That sounds cruel but you could just as easily be the dumpee. Dumping, getting dumped, are part of life. There are worse things, such as being possessive, jealous, controlling, or abusive all in the name of love. It's all too easy to fall in love when you set your mind to it. Being in love is lots of fun. It beats being alone and lonely all the time. It's tempting to force the issue. When things happen too quickly, however, there is a chance you'll "fall out" of love. I have addressed this situation in answer to the following question.
The end of the infactuation period in a relationship is usually misconstrued as having fallen out of love with someone however, as in all relationships, that feeling inevitably ends eventually, anyway. Actually, it's said that usually after about 2 years of a couple being together the newness starts to wear off... we get more comfortable with each other... we reveal our less desirable qualities, and we start seeing each other's faults more easily. That doesn't mean you're not still in love with the person and want to spend the rest of your life with them more than anyone else in the world, no, it's just that you're USED to each other now. When the infactuation phase is over but the love remains, I don't think it's a wise decision to end a relationship since, as mentioned above, the end of the infactuation (which may be mistaken for, but should not be confused with having fallen out of love) is inevitable for every relationship. These are just my opinions though and they're not cast in concrete.
It's something you feel, you can't tell
First of all, if you ask yourself if you're in love, you most likely aren't in love..... just an opinion..
When one day you realize you haven't thought about your former loved one in a while, and you realize then you must have moved on somewhere along the way and he/she just isn't part of your life or your thoughts anymore.
I'm asking myself this right now, but I'm hearing this from those older and wiser than me: "If you're crying and worried and scared that you don't love him anymore, then you MUST still love him. If you didn't love him, you wouldn't care either way." I say this having just been dumped by him a month ago, then having him realize it was a mistake, and in less than a week, basically proposing marriage to me. I think the shock of it all, more than anything, has me questioning if I still love him or not. Not to mention, it's currently kinda hard to trust him again right now.
i am going through the same thing right now! i am getting married in 14 weeks and i am stressing if i love my fiance or not!! I have been with him for 3 years and I have onlky ever doubted it once before about a year ago and the feeling lasted about a week and i got over it! One night about 5 months ago me and my partner had a fight and i got the thought in my head i hope i am not doubting it again and ever since then i have doubted it! I sent my self crazy over it!! Has this happened to anyeone else? That you have got a thought in you head and subconsciencely you are convincing yourself something is different?? I dont want to be without him, and i want all my feelings to come bck but it is like I am numb either way!!! Can anyone offer me advice??
When your rubbers dry up.
when you can tell yourself that without any regret
I am in fact having this issue. Me and my boyfriend have been together for three years in july. I love him dearly but i do know that love and being in love are two different things. Our relationship isn't the same but it doesn't mean i don't have any feelings for him any more. I just find myself less and less attracted to him and i although i miss him and continue to enjoy being in his arms. Those feelings aren't even the same anymore. He is my first love and i know for a fact that we were in love. I just don't know if we are anymore. We are really young and i just worry that maybe this one person isn't the person i should be with forever. I don't know what to do. I tried talking to him about it but it's complicated. We are still together, and breaking is not what i want, nor what im ready for. Im afraid that because it's so easy to be in love with someone you see and talk to everyday, i will force the relationship. I want to do what's right but i don't know what is right. I do know that he has become my very best friend and if you can imagine your hardest times, he's been there through all of them. I don't want to lose that and i don't want to lose him to someone else. that sounds selfish but it's really hard not to be when you're dealing with the first person who ever made you fall in love. Please help.
when she has moved on and taken the trailer with her.
My Grandmother would say "there is nothing deader than a dead love". I guess that is to be totally neutral and not care if you ever saw them again, or, if they moved on to someone else it would not hurt.
I am in this situation right now. I have been married for 16 years. He has been very hard to live with. Very demanding and selfish. He is never happy. I have tried everything I know possible. Counseling, have been thru this twice. Talking to our pastor. Just don't know what else to do. I have also tried to talk to him about things and always turns out to be my fault. He is always right. I have become very bitter towards him. We also have 2 children. This make it even worse. I have filed divorce 2 diffrent times and he always ask me to stop the proceeding and I do, to give it one more try. But I don't know how much more I can take. I have also found out that he has been hiding money from me and diffrent bank and other places. But I am always honest withe him about everything. Please help. I also need answers.
mine was when i stoped missing him when he went on long trips
I think that its just a matter of how you feel towards the person you are with. I was in a situation, where i had been with a man for 18 years ,and he tended to take advantage of me the whole time we were married. He was abusive, mentally, physically and verbally, and quite frankly, I had enough of him. In the beginning had found myself growing apart from him, not liking the things that he did, or the way that he handles his self, and it was at first subtle things, such as differences in music, food, and friends, and then it was just more, and more of differences in everything, in the way that he talked to me, or the way he did things, and i didnt like them, or who he was becoming. 18 years ,was very hard to deal with, but i now have a new man in my life, that loves me for who I am, and not my pocket book, and dosent treat me like yesterdays garbage.
when thoughts of not being with that person ,no longer drive you crazy
When I stopped missing them and don't want them to call or text me or contact me. When I want to cut them out of my life forever because I want to move on. Ex's are your ex's for a reason. You can breakup on good terms but there comes a time when you know you aren't in love anymore and you have to stop depending on them emotionally for "friendship" when really your just lonely because your not emotional available because your talking to your ex's when you should be putting yourself out there again and be willing to love another person again.
You don't look forward to them coming home nor do you care.
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