• Internet, a project that started as a means of keeping communication channels open and sharing information has come a long way since its inception in the 1970s. It has revolutionized human life and everything related to it. It has given rise to the term "global village" where everything and everybody is only a few clicks away. People have moved towards an information intensive society. The impact of Internet on business is nothing short of a miracle. The way business was conducted earlier has completely changed. Web sites, emails, search engines particularly Google have initiated a different set of strategies for businesses to follow. Organizations can advertise aggressively and contextually. Products can be virtually presented to people living on the other side of the planet. Anything can be bought and sold with the help of an Internet connection. Compared to pre-Internet days when people accommodated everything around their work related activities, Internet has given individuals the freedom to be their own bosses. It is not surprising therefore that Internet is the primary reason for millions of successful small businesses, home based and otherwise. It is possible to manage intercontinental businesses spread across several countries. The Internet has literally negated distance and time. People sitting poles apart can communicate and conduct business. The following statistics give an idea about the revenue businesses have generated through the Internet. Information collected by comScore indicated $143.5 billion were spent online in the year 2005! The same study showed 36% rise from 2004 in computer software (excluding PC games), and apparel and accessories industries. Online sales for holiday season of 2005 showed 25% increase from last year's holiday online retail. A 2007 study by Nielsen/NetRatings shows 333,841, 523 active Internet home users from only 10 countries! Most of these users are using the Internet to make purchases and/or conduct businesses.

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