• Business biography is the precise to-the-point description of your professional history, which informs others about your expertise, unique features of working with you and benefits of employing you. It's the intelligent response to some of the most frequently asked questions, "What do you do?" or "Tell me something about yourself." The response is intelligent because it generates a genuine query from the audience as against the general comments "That's nice" or "Wow! That's great." A business biography makes people interested in your professional skills thereby eventually generating business. Making an effective business biography needs concentration and an objective assessment of your capabilities. When writing a business biography, remember to state important information such as your name, designation, web site URL if applicable, hours of operation and contact information including complete postal address, telephone numbers, fax, email id and directions if required. In addition, describe the field of your expertise and how you started in it. Follow it up with relevant skills and the unique features of your services that make you stand apart from competitors. Mention any awards or special recognition you night have received from clients or appropriate professional organizations. Make note of the most difficult situations you encountered professionally and the way you resolved it. Also explain relevant downsides of the profession. Describe any guarantees, discounts or free trials on offer. Try to include information that will generate interest in readers, every one of whom is a potential client.

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